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Author Topic:  .MHT & .WPS Extensions - Big Problem!
Chip Fossa


Monson, MA, USA (deceased)
Post  Posted 20 Apr 2009 4:05 pm    
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Well stupid me.

I'm just not that vigilant. As I grow longer in the tooth.

I opened a LYRICS folder today, and attempted to access the DATA, and got a bunch of rubbish.

Most extensions are .MHT with a few .WPSs.

I blame VISTA. All these files opened quite nicely with XP.

This LYRICS folder has been with me for years.

Now I get all this gobble-dee-gook computerese crapola.

I'm sure many of you have seen this. A whole page of junk; maybe you might find some semblance to your lyrics; and maybe nothing at all.

I tried to "OPEN AS"
Wordpad and Notepad; even tried Adobe(PDF).

All for naught.

What's happening here?

This is what gauls me about Vista. What else can you blame it on? Me of course. I'm sure I'm to blame! All other transfer programs, files , folders, and programs seemed to have made the XP to VISTA transition pretty much intact (I say this relunctantly).

Anyway, can anyone help me retrieve my LYRICS, with just the lyrics, and void of useless computerese?????

Thanks all

Williams U-12 8X5; Keyless; Natural Blonde Laquer.
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Wiz Feinberg

Mid-Michigan, USA
Post  Posted 20 Apr 2009 4:42 pm    
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You must have created the .wps files using Microsoft Works, under Windows 98 or XP. Only Works can open those files.

.MHT is the extension used by Internet Explorer and Word when you save a website, or web page as a complete archive. MHT files should open in Internet Exploder.

See if you still have Microsoft Works CDs. If so, try to install them onto the Vista computer. You may need to do this using XP compatibility, or older.
"Wiz" Feinberg, Moderator SGF Computers Forum
Security Consultant
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John Cipriano

San Francisco
Post  Posted 20 Apr 2009 4:58 pm    
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Chip, if you can't find your copy of Works, you have two options:

(unofficial but try this first. the link's at the very bottom...converts Works documents to Word documents)

Microsoft Works 6–9 File Converter
(convert files to version 9, then open in MS Word, Word Viewer, or OpenOffice.org)
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Chip Fossa


Monson, MA, USA (deceased)
Post  Posted 20 Apr 2009 7:45 pm    
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Thanks Wiz, and John.

I have MS Works version 8.5.

Actually, some email text things, too, have come through ugly.

This whole deal is typical, schiz-o computer.

Some of it is OK; Some of it is NOT OK!

This whole LYRIC folder never had these freak extensions that I can recall. They friggin' morphed. The extensions used to be like .TXT.

I still have CDs where I saved stuff, and I'm pretty sure I can drum up these old lyric files.

But this isn't the point.

The MORPHISM is what's got my craw.

Thanks, fellas.
Williams U-12 8X5; Keyless; Natural Blonde Laquer.
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Chip Fossa


Monson, MA, USA (deceased)
Post  Posted 24 Apr 2009 10:57 am    
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How to you go about opening those .mht files in Internet Exploder?


Your first link didn't seem to work. There were a few steps, and after I didn't get any results, it looked like the thing didn't even install.

The second link, 6-9, when I ran it from desktop download, it started to install, but then a flag popped up and said there wasn't enough space to complete the install.

Not enough space??
What are they, nuts?

I have 3.0GB of RAM.
560GB uasable HDD.
480GB HDD of free space.
Processor: 2.3gigahertz Athlon 64 x 2 Dual Core.

Somethings out of whack, here. Confused
Williams U-12 8X5; Keyless; Natural Blonde Laquer.
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Wiz Feinberg

Mid-Michigan, USA
Post  Posted 24 Apr 2009 1:41 pm    
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You may need to reset the file association for MHT files to open in IE. I found the following solution which should (hopefully) solve this for you.

IE cannot open any MHT or MHTML file stored on a local disk. IE either shows "navigation canceled" page or it shows the source code or HTML code of the MHT /
MHTML file. Either way the file will not render properly in IE.

When these symptoms occur, the simplest or basic solution is ensure that the file associations are properly set up in the Windows Operating system.

1. Open any file folder or Windows Explorer
2. Click "Tools" in the top menu
3. Click "Folder Options"
4. If MHT and/or MHTML file association exists in the list, delete them.
5. Click "New" button
6. Type "MHT" in the file extension field box
7. Click "Advanced" button
8. Scroll and find listed - "MHTML Document", click it.</li>
9. Click OK
10. Windows File associations create the MHT file association, usually with the correct ICON.
11. Repeat steps for MHTML extension.

What if you already used the "open with program" method and associated the MHT file extension but cannot see it in the file association list?

1. Start with steps 5-10 above for either or both the MHT or MHTML extension.
2. Scroll the file associations to find the MHT or MHTML extension. Click "restore".
3. The file extension is no longer lost, and it is completely reset as the default.

Now IE opens the MHT or MHTML files properly.

If that doesn't work please read everything on this How To Geek page.
"Wiz" Feinberg, Moderator SGF Computers Forum
Security Consultant
Twitter: @Wizcrafts
Main web pages: Wiztunes Steel Guitar website | Wiz's Security Blog | My Webmaster Services | Wiz's Security Blog
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