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Author Topic:  POWER in numbers and the Forum has them................
Ray Montee

Portland, Oregon (deceased)
Post  Posted 25 Apr 2009 3:37 pm    
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In another post elsewhere here on the Forum, it has been revealed that a group of hotels in Honolulu are essentially eliminating their traditional Hawaiian trio's and thus steel guitar from their entertainment.

Forumites have been invited to protest this change of events.

Just a tho't along these lines: Instead of leaving it to chance, why not apply a technique that was used quite effectively by the Jerry Byrd Fan Club back in the 1950's?

If we could get each Forumite to make a single, whole-hearted commitment to participate in this program, I know we could have great success.

This is somewhat like gorilla warfare. The hotel big-shots will have no idea of what is happening. And yet, intelligent letters from over 6,000 concerned Forumites from all over the world, each addressing a specific element that affects the hotels 'bottom line' will definitely have a positive IMPACT. To that end, WE can take pride in 'making it happen' and hopefully helping some of our steel guitar friends in keeping their music playing jobs.

Someone, perhaps Ron in Hawaii, could designate a specific week, name a specific hotel with the proper and complete identity of the Corporate Chief Executive, addresses, etc. This could include the proper names and addresses of the local radio/TV/Press and Chamber of Commerce to which a copy of all correspondence could be forwarded.

A given single topic can be specified to which each of us could address our personal concerns during that one week time period.
Such as: I've dreamed of visiting Hawaii for decades. Now that I can, I want to hear Hwaiian Music, particularly the Hawaiian Steel Guitar, just like in the days of Hawaii Calls famous radio broadcasts. Continuing: If your hotel doesn't offer this cultural entertainment I will be booking my vaction and our company's next convention elsewhere. Please let me know.

Most businesses understand that for every letter rec'd, there is usually 20-25 additional people that share that view but have simply not written, as yet.
An original letter would draw far more impact than a simple email, TRUST ME!

What do you guys/gals think? We could take one different hotel each week or every couple of weeks. This could be a lot of fun, could unite a lot of wonderful Forumites into a common cause and could help keep Hawaiian Steel Guitar alive in Hawaii.

Got a better idea?
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Alan Brookes

Brummy living in Southern California
Post  Posted 25 Apr 2009 5:09 pm    
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I'm willing to participate. Someone has to come up with a list of hotels that have abandoned Hawaiian trios, so that we know what we're talking about when we write. I haven't been to Hawaii for 27 years.
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Donny Hinson


Glen Burnie, Md. U.S.A.
Post  Posted 25 Apr 2009 5:26 pm    
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In the business world, opinions carry a lot more weight when they're opinions of real customers. A dozen or two letters from former guests would mean far more to a hotel chain than a thousand or two from people on the mainland who've never ventured to Hawaii.

Years ago, it was almost impossible to determine who the real customers were. Now, that info is just a few clicks away.
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Alan Brookes

Brummy living in Southern California
Post  Posted 25 Apr 2009 6:56 pm    
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...he's got a point.
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Ray Montee

Portland, Oregon (deceased)
Post  Posted 25 Apr 2009 7:42 pm     Once again..........YOU Win!
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YOUR solution is far more reasonable to accept than mine so I withdraw it.

Hopefully all of you Forum members will forgive this olde man's enthusiasm for trying to accomplish something worthwhile.

In the general aviation industry, my tho't provoking ideas were accepted by both the industry and the general public/news media as well.

In the area of criminal justice, my expertise was sought after by thousands of individuals and agencies.

In the arena of direct mail/mail advertising, once again my counsel was solicited and earned me a nice living.

And within the legal field, my expertise was constantly in demand and earned me a very good living.

You figure...............
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Donny Hinson


Glen Burnie, Md. U.S.A.
Post  Posted 26 Apr 2009 4:20 am    
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Ray, my thoughts weren't to dampen enthusiasm, but merely to bring the effects of the "computer age" into the discussion.

I spent a life learning, incessantly reading and acquiring books, pamphlets, and all manner of reading materials. Over a half-century, I amassed a library of thousands of volumes - some common, some quite rare, and I, too, was considered a reliable source for hard to get information. It was my belief that this would be a valuable legacy, a reposit of scarce information I'd pass on to someone else, someday.

Then came the internet.

Now my huge library of books, once impressive and larger than that of some schools I'd attended, sits mostly packed away in boxes, and the information contained therein pales in comparison to that that can be gleaned by any 10 year-old with a computer and an internet connection.

Fortunately (or unfortunately, as the case may be), technology changes things. Neutral
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Ron Whitfield


Kaaawa, Hawaii, USA
Post  Posted 26 Apr 2009 8:32 pm    
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Ray, it's to the point now, that even if the hotels went quasi wild putting steel back into focus, there simply are not enuf accomplished (and dependable) players willing/able/available to fill the positions today, even on Oahu alone.
Most of the qualified steelers must have a day job to pay the bills, etc., leaving even fewer that can play anytime/anywhere/steady.
It's a sad sad situation, and the hotels aren't going to care, no matter what. Most have left the work to one particular woman the last few years, her name is Kika, the wife of a prominant local musician, who seems bent on proving her worth by slashing entertainment costs to the marrow, as things were already to the bone. They have no heart nor sense, and don't care about even that. Even if the economy was booming, they would have the same thinking. Plus, the junk attitudes, restrictions, regulations, and conditions the musicians are subjected to by mgt. is sickening. Nobody should be treated shabbily as they are.
There are only the Halekulani's House Without A Key, once the gold standard example of steel guitar every night of the year, now very willing to forgo that commitment, and The Moana, where Hawaii Calls once hailed from that still ever have/had steel.
A very few clubs have Jeff Ah Hoy, Bobby Ingano, Derrick Mau, Ron Kanahele, and a smattering of others sitting in, but it's all hit or miss, nothing really regular.
It's hard for even me to catch good steel, and I got the skinny!

But please, let me know how I might be of service, I'm always up for a miracle.

I'm hoping the HSGA conventioneers in town this week will put forth some effort towards the cause, as it seems the organization itself won't ever lift a finger, but that will be a few day's of barking at best and then they're gone, and soon largely, so will Hawaiian steel.
It looked like we might have a resurgence a little while back, but now it's simply the worst it's ever been.
Example my web site - www.hwnsge.5u.com - there is next to nothing to post.
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Tommy Shown


Denham Springs, La.
Post  Posted 27 Apr 2009 2:30 pm    
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Ray I live in the heart of Cajun Country. And at some of the hotels, they don't have Cajun trios playing there. These people just like the Hawaiians are of a proud heitage. Just boycott the hotels.
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Richard Sinkler

aka: Rusty Strings -- Missoula, Montana
Post  Posted 27 Apr 2009 10:37 pm    
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Unfortunately, boycotting is a good idea, but only if the hotel knows you are boycotting it. We have some 7000(?) members here of which, maybe, 6000 have no plans of ever going to Hawaii (I am one of those). If by not going to Hawaii is to be seen as a boycott, the hotels have to know that. Just not going will do nothing. There is much more tourist traffic there, that we are an irrelevant bunch, and they seem to draw hundreds of thousands, if not millions, annually that couldn't give a rats butt for the steel guitar. There needs to be some form of communication, such as a picket, news coverage, or something to gain the attention of the hotel. And it needs to be in numbers. A few won't do.

But, anytime someone wants to save live music in any form, he must be applauded for his efforts.
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Ron Whitfield


Kaaawa, Hawaii, USA
Post  Posted 28 Apr 2009 12:32 am     And to make matters worse...
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...yes, it get's worse.
I just heard that this woman, Kika, mentioned in my previous post, has reduced the pay for the musicians at The Halekulani to, after taxes, get this, $47 per person for three hours of work, per night.
And has the gall to tell the musicians 'if you don't like it, I'll find others to replace you'.

This broad, with the backing of the hotels she works for, is single handedly ruining Hawaiian music in Waikiki, and thus, Hawaii.

This is the same hotel that many years ago refused Jerry Byrd's request of a measly 15% pay increase for his band. A band that included the best Hawaiian musicians besides himself, Benny Kalama and Kalani Fernandes. Jerry and his mates packed up and quit. So should every musician under Kika's rotten thumb.
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