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Author Topic:  Different Memphis Vamps
Ken Metcalf

San Antonio Texas USA
Post  Posted 15 Apr 2009 2:26 pm    
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This section says Techniques I hope its OK here.
How many different Memp. Vamps on E9th and C6th.
Add your Memphis Vamp in ..
I like the 6th-ish sounding ones.
OK heres one for E9th:
Start with 6th string G# lowered to F#, Lower Es
E chord on 5th fret.
let up F# to G#, step on B pedal a couple times.
MSA 12 String E9th/B6th Universal.
Little Walter PF-89.
Bunch of stomp boxes
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Jerry Hayes

Virginia Beach, Va.
Post  Posted 17 Apr 2009 9:19 am    
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As "Memphis" is usually done in the key of E, I'd say the a legitimate "Memphis Vamp" would have to be done on an Extended E9 or an E9/B6 Universal.

On an extended E9 you'd just play the 10th string B and 12th string E together twice, then play the same strings twice again with the A pedal raising the 10th B string to C#. Then you'd play the 12th string E and the 9th string D together two times, then back to the 10 string raised to C# and the low E. Then just repeat it.......

If you have an E9/B6 Uni do the same as above except on you 9th and 11th strings. When you get to the part where you need the D string some can either raise the 9th string B on to D after it's raised to C# or lower the 8th string E to D......

Another good "Memphis Vamp" is on a Uni. What I used to have on my old Universal was an additional raise of my 11th string E to F# on my "C" pedal. With this you'd just use the low B string as the root and the 11th string raised a whole tone would give you the fifth, then your 6th would be the 10th string. Since your B and C pedals would be right next to each other, all you'd have to do was hold the C pedal down with the 11th string raise and rock on and off of your B pedal for the dom7 note to complete it. To do it in E would require you being at the 5th fret......JH in Va.
Don't matter who's in Austin (or anywhere else) Ralph Mooney is still the king!!!
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