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Author Topic:  Two Left Verticals
Ken Metcalf

San Antonio Texas USA
Post  Posted 4 Apr 2009 6:42 am    
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Could be a country hit song in that..phrase
I have a Thomas Universal 12 string with 2 LKV.
I used to raise the 5th string 1/2 on the vert. and now lower 5th string 1/2 with raise on the 7th string half for minor 7th..
Be that as it may,..
I am not in the habit of using my vert that much..
The verts in my new U-12s are easyer to reach and my question is:
Two left verts can be used seperatly or combined together..
What are some ideas for pulls in pedals down position or pedals up that can be combined in a universal PSG.
I am just trying stuff here and bear in mind I already have a complete Neumann Universal set up.
MSA 12 String E9th/B6th Universal.
Little Walter PF-89.
Bunch of stomp boxes
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