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Author Topic:  TSGA Benevolent Fund
Barbara Rosetta

Nederland, Tx. , USA
Post  Posted 18 Mar 2009 3:23 pm    
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Dear Friends:

To each of you that helped in the TSGA Fund Raiser at the Texas Steel Guitar Jamboree, we THANK YOU so very much. Even with the economy down right now, we were still very happy with the funds that were raised. As you know, this money will be used throughout the year to assist musicians and their families, in an out of Texas, that have great need.

This fund and the assistance we are able to offer to our fellow musicians are the result of each of you that contribute in whatever way that you can.

We thank those of you that contributed cash, merchandise, bought tickets, and participated in the auctions by buying all of the items contributed. Each area of the event is very important to have success. Below is a list of vendors or persons that made a donation:

Dottie and Peggy Jack
Jim Loessburg
Sue Parkhouse
Bill Cook (ASGA)
Donna Newberry
Dana Stewart
Steve Alcott
Gloria Meirs
Austin Stewart
Herb Steiner
Fred Justice
Mike Silar
Austin Stewart
Buddy Bryant
Curtis Potter
Tommy and Donna Dodd
Fred Kelly
Carter Steel Guitars
Jackson Steel Guitars
David Wright
Billy Phelps
Linkon Guitar Co
Jim Horan
Edd Kerkow
Red Kilby
Jean Hughey
Rick Alexander
Herb Remington
Bobby Bowman
Russ Hicks
Tonealigna (Bob Hoffner)
Ray Harrison
BJS Bars (Bill Stroud)
George Boards
Debbie Talley
Roy and Barbara Rosetta
Walmart Card (Through Dee Polish)

If in all of the rush of the moment we did not get
your name, we sincerely apologize and ask that you
e-mail us to let us know. BIG THANKS to Jim Wise
for taking care of the dobro by selling tickets and
getting the steel players on the main show to sign
it. BIG THANKS to Janet Wise for doing anything we
had to ask of her, including selling 50/50 tickets.
BIG THANKS to Toni Bowman and her friend for doing
a great job of selling 50/50 tickets. (They worked
extra hard to make up for being late.) BIG THANKS
to Donna Newberry for selling some tickets for us.

Thanks again for being so kind, thoughtful and

Barbara Rosetta and Dee Polish
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Jody Sanders


Magnolia,Texas, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 18 Mar 2009 5:21 pm    
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Ladies and Gentleman(I use the word "gentleman" lightly when referring to Jim Wise LOL)Thanks a bunch, Ya'll done good. Jody.
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Jerry Lee Newberry


Prim, AR USA
Post  Posted 19 Mar 2009 4:30 am    
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Glad the Fund raising was a success. Glad to help anyway I can. I know all of you work hard to do this and we THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Barbara Rosetta

Nederland, Tx. , USA
Post  Posted 22 Mar 2009 1:08 pm     TSGA Benevolent Fund Donation
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Dear Friends:

I would like to thank Verle Tate of Goldfield, IA.
for a generous cash donation to our Benevolent
Fund. Verle is a dedicated attendee to the Texas
Jamboree each year. We have been friends with
Verle and his great family for quite a number of

Barbara Rosetta
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Dee Polish

Concord, NC
Post  Posted 22 Mar 2009 3:13 pm    
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We would like to thank Peterson Tuners for the StobeFlip Tuner they donated to the Benevolent Fund. They have been so faithful and generous with their donations each year to our Fund Raiser.
We apologize for not getting their name listed in the original post. Sometimes in the rush of the moment and being busy, we miss something.
Thanks again to Peterson and to all who donated to this worthy cause that helps many families and individuals each year.

Dee Polish and Barbara Rosetta
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Red Kilby


Pueblo, CO, USA * R.I.P.
Post  Posted 24 Mar 2009 8:13 pm    
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Barbara and Dee, It was my pleasure as always to donate to the Benevolent Fund, God Bless you both and the hard work you do for the folks in need. Keep up the good work.
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