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Author Topic:  With AND without pedals
Edward Meisse


Santa Rosa, California, USA
Post  Posted 21 Mar 2009 1:11 pm    
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Do those of you who go both ways find that the two guitars compliment each other, are at odds with each other or have no effect on each other? I have found it difficult to go back and forth between electric and acoustic. Will I have a similar problem here?
Amor vincit omnia
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Ulric Utsi-Åhlin


Post  Posted 21 Mar 2009 3:12 pm    
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I don´t have a problem going from pedal to non-pedal,
or the other way around...for me it´s basically ONE
instrument,with the option of added flexibility,and
the more I play,the more I tend to rely on non-pedal
techniques,even on the PSG,my copedant is stripped-
down to essentials and,mostly,for the better.McUtsi
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Ray Montee

Portland, Oregon (deceased)
Post  Posted 23 Mar 2009 9:47 am     One of my many problems seems to be.....................
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String spacing seems to be my biggest bugaboo!

I've played both for years but seem to be having a serious problem making the transition when going back and forth........ I have to use a seperate pair of finger picks in order to make the reach on the wider spaced strings.......

and, when I get the wrong picks, I make a real spectacle out of myself. (TSGA SHOW)

One other point I've experienced. When you attend a steel jam....and all the other guys have pedal steels and you're sitting there with your little lap steel.........and after you've heard steel guitar rag some 30-40 different times by different players,
my mind tends to go to the PEDAL THINKING MODE and I have a difficult time trying to play the sounds I've just listened to with a non-pedal guitar.
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