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Author Topic:  Jerry Compton, Reinsmen Passed Jan 31st.
Bill Bassett


Papamoa New Zealand
Post  Posted 8 Feb 2009 7:01 am    
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Singing Cowboy Jerry Compton died after a long struggle with Corticobasal Degeneration. The illness robbed him of the use of his hands and mind.

The Reinsmen formed in the early 1960s in part I think to carry on the traditions of the singing cowboy bands of the 1940s and 50s. They recorded and performed with Rex Allen Sr. and appeared in motion pictures as well. The Reinsmen were inducted into the Western Music Association's Hall Of Fame in 1992.

From 1995 until 2005, Jerry was the musical director of The Blazin M Ranch. Unfortunately there came a time that his fingers couldn't find the right strings and his memory couldn't come up with the right lyrics. It was sad to witness but I was honored to take my place next to him for a short time until his retirement. I have recordings of him playing marvelous jazzy leads and rhythm guitar, using chord voicings I had never imagined. He was quite a pedal steel player too and idolized Joachim Murphy. He introduced me to the music of Andy Parker and the Plainsmen and others. I learned from him that there is a lot more to Cowboy Music than Roy and Gene and even the Sons of the Pioneers. A lot more. He will be missed.

Bill Bassett
Rimrock Arizona
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Michael Breid


Eureka Springs, Arkansas, USA
Post  Posted 21 Feb 2009 7:29 pm    
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I saw Jerry back in the eighties at Silver Dollar City with the Reinsmen. He was playing a blonde, Joe Pass model Epiphone guitar. I had just purchased one and he said they were a great jazz guitar and were patterned after the Gibson Byrdland. We sat and chewed the fat between sets. All of the Reinsmen were great fellows to talk to, and Jerry taking the time to talk about working with Rex Allen Sr.(I was a member of Rex's band, The Men of The West for five years) and swapping road stories was a super treat. I'm so sorry he had to leave us suffering from such a lenghty illness, but we have no control over that. RIP Jerry. You were a real joy to know.

Michael in the Ozarks
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Al Vescovo


Van Nuys, CA, USA * R.I.P.
Post  Posted 28 Feb 2009 1:02 pm    
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I knew Jerry in Los Angeles. We played a few gigs together and he was always talking about Joaquin. They were great friends. Although I haven't seen or talked to Jerry in a few years, he'll surely be missed. Condolences to his family.
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Lee Jeffriess


Vallejo California
Post  Posted 7 Mar 2009 12:02 pm    
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My condolances too, Jerry was great musician, and more importantly a great human being.
He probably was the most knoledgable person you could talk to about Joaquin and his music.
Rest in peace Jerry.
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Michael Johnstone

Sylmar,Ca. USA
Post  Posted 10 Mar 2009 4:49 pm    
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Murph and Jerry pickin after taking a swim at Jerry's parents house circa early 60s Los Angeles

Jerry was a monster C6 picker. Unlike most of us he was able to pick up quite a bit of Murph's style and played it quite well.Good singer too.
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