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Eric West

Portland, Oregon, USA, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 30 Jan 2009 3:23 pm    
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Half stack 4-12s.

I really like(d) my Hot Rod Deluxe, but the Peavey Classic 50 I have does better for pulling the lower end and matched with My Blues Jr is perfect..

Also I don't like Diming a Tube Combo to "keep up" at "jam sessions". The tubes just don't take it. They don't like being thrown in and out of trunks either. Not that I have, but it was bound to happen. My Classic 50 seems a little more "dimeable" and the EL84s are all protected. The Blues Jr is unbeatable for very small gigs and recording.

A friend of mine wants to trade his Marshall 100ss with a 412 cab for my HRD. He does more recording, and a single act. and it's a great amp for that expecially with the Weber Blue Dog, which I hate parting with.

Both amps are about new, and he's throwing in a US Peavey Raptor Strat.

Can't wait to wheel that baby into the local beer joint jam...

Besides, now I can get a Marshall Hat..

We'll see. I've got a jam to make on the way home Sunday night presuming I make the trade.

Off to a critter gig..


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Bobby Snell

Austin, Texas
Post  Posted 30 Jan 2009 4:18 pm     Join the MG squad
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Congrats! Tell me what you think of yours after you gig a bit with it.

I got mine in December. I'm still twisting knobs and finding new sounds. I'm also experimenting with a MXR 10-band EQ in the effects loop. I'm really happy going back to a closed cabinet.

You can't ride it, bucking, like a tube Marshall, but it has a bunch of Marshally sounds in it. And 100 watts SS can keep up with Deluxes, etc.
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Ben Jones

Seattle, Washington, USA
Post  Posted 30 Jan 2009 4:20 pm    
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dudes....seriously? Shocked
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Eric West

Portland, Oregon, USA, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 31 Jan 2009 1:14 am    
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Well yeah.

I thought I'd like the HRD for PSG/Guitar gigs. It sounds OK for playing miked gigs or a smaller venue.

Fact it sounds great for small stuff and recording.

Problem is that diming it on a bandstand for 5 hours is just asking to shake the tubes loose, which I did a couple times.

I ended up using a Peavey Classic 50 in stereo with a Blues Jr, and got a much better and less lower end breakup. Bass cut in the BJr and highs cut in the Cl 50.

I need something I can bring out to a live jam session, and be able to keep up with a garden variety "jam band".

You know, one with like a Mesa Boogie, Fender Twin, or whatever they have without needing "miked".

I just don't like the HRD for what I need to be able to depend on it for. An amp I can dime if I need to without retubing it after a couple nights.

I shoulda got a Twin I guess, or a Deville.

Shoulda Coulda Woulda...

We'll see how it works.

Peavey makes good guitars, and if I remember right the Predator is a pretty nice axe. That makes up the 100 or so value difference in the trade.


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Bobby Snell

Austin, Texas
Post  Posted 31 Jan 2009 9:43 pm     Its not a JVM, but it has Marshally Goodness
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Ben: Seriously. I can't afford a nice new JVM right now, but this is pretty cool. 100 watts SS into 4x12. Clean channel, keep the gain down to between 9 o'clock and 11 o'clock, and then master volume goes where you need it. Great little steel rig. OD channel has 2 modes, and a volume for that channel so can set to match with clean channel. Built in reverb, and effects channel with delay, chorus, flanger. I mostly use a little delay and reverb. And the EQ in the separate FX loop does help the OD stuff.

Some folks are replacing the stock speakers, which admittedly are the cheapest Celestions, but they work well enough for me. The cab is smaller than usual, which is kind of convenient, and the lighter construction and speakers make for easier loading.

It's a versatile amp that really works for steel and guitar, at least for me it does.

This year's NAMM Marshall introduced the IV series of MG amps.

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Eric West

Portland, Oregon, USA, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 1 Feb 2009 3:28 pm    
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This is an AMP.

I'll do some dinking with it.

For now, I'll be using a podxt tucked into the head, or at least a compressor. Handy to have a place to hide things.

I MIGHT see if there is a way to put it in a Nvl112 or 112 type cab using the large dome Blue marvel or maybe a BW12.

That would KILL.

We'll see.


More as it develops.

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Jim Peters

St. Louis, Missouri, USA, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 1 Feb 2009 5:30 pm    
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Wouldn' it have been easier to put tube retainers on the HRD? JP
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Leslie Ehrlich

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
Post  Posted 1 Feb 2009 6:42 pm    
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I've got a 50 watt all tube full-size half stack, and it sounds great with my Sho-Bud, clean or distorted. I find that the Marshall pre-amp and Celestion speakers really bring out that thick woody tone that Sho-Bud steels are famous for. Mr. Green
Sho-Bud Pro III + Marshall JMP 2204 half stack = good grind!
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Eric West

Portland, Oregon, USA, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 1 Feb 2009 9:09 pm    
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Well I just gave it the Happy Eric Torture TestÖ with my SSH Squier, and it was snowing in here from the acoustic ceiling tile coming apart when I did the tags to "Those Shoes" at stage level..

That's what I've needed if I want to "get out" in some of the jam band situations I'm finding myself more and more in... I go, and I KNOW.... by the "Input Watts". It's taking 175 watts. That puts it right about where my Nashville 400 was, and it's got a lot more "punch" moving the air as PF put it than a single 15. I think the closed cabinet does something magical too..

Most of it boils down to "being hip". I can stand the clacky sound on the PSG, and I still have a "Marshall", so I can "be cool". Besides, I'm working on my "bucket list" like many my age, and I always wanted a Marshall... So it's a puny, fake one..

JP. I realised that enclosing those tubes in the material they make those indestructable "black boxes" out of on airplanes was about the only way to protect the guts of those 6L6es in combo amps from sonic disruption. I was playing that HRD so loud that a friend once wanted to try standing next to it to dissolve kidney stones, and avoid a 2000$ Lithotripter treatment..

All in all if I'd have known then... I"d probably have gotten a Dual Showman head, and stuffed some Webers in a Fender cabinet..

As it is, I just won't be tempted to push a HRD and shake the guts of the tubes loose.

And, I get to wear a "Marshall" hat and tell kids I remember when Jimi Hendrix "experienced" me and my buddies..

More as it develops.

Thanks all.

Lots of fun with this one..

Also that Peavey Predator with the EBONY neck is cooler than heck. The trade of the HRD for it and the Marshall was good for both of us. My friend got a great amp tweaked and respeakered for medium level volume level gigs and recording. I got a ticket to "hip city".



PS, I still have my Session 500, Nvl 400, Peavey Classic 50/ Fender Blues Jr (My stereo playing rig)
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