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Author Topic:  Heartlands Hayride Radio/Webcast 4-7-01 6pm EDT
Dave Van Allen

Souderton, PA , US , Earth
Post  Posted 6 Apr 2001 8:36 am    
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Once again I'll back on the air. I also want to again thank Rob Segal for filling in so well in my absence... what a guy, what a picker!

"Heartlands Hayride" LIVE radio and web simulcast Saturday 04-07-01 6pm to 8pm Eastern

Program Theme this week: none... it's Spring, who could be bothered to come up with a theme...

"Heartlands Hayride" is a locally (NJ near Princeton) produced LIVE 2 hour weekly show dedicated to entertainment with a "down home" flavour. The acts have been selected from auditioners from the surrounding New Jersey hills, and range from neophytes to relatively seasoned singers, story tellers, etc...

I am in the rotating pool of house band musicians for the show. We do have a few "band features," and I will be sharing the fills and solos behind many of the performers on Pedal Steel ( ZumSteel U12)

Featured Steel Guitar instrumentals this week will be "Maiden's Prayer" at approximately 6:25 pm EDT and "What A Way to Live" at approximately 7:26 pm EDT

WDVR FM 89.7 or 91.9
Sergeantsville, New Jersey

Webcast: www.wdvrfm.org

requires Windows Media Player available for PC or Mac.


Zumsteel U12 "Loafer" 8&6 :: Fender T-8 Stringmaster :: Fender Tube Amplification
www.voicenet.com/~vanallen/ :: vanallen@voicenet.com

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