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Author Topic:  A sad loss! (Delaney Bramlett)
Marc McClure

Leucadia, California USA
Post  Posted 29 Dec 2008 4:11 pm    
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Delaney was as intuitive on his instruments as he was with his voice. I worked with him for a time and he was a cantankerous drinker. I had to drink as much to keep up with him but I can say that the group of fellows that he had together at that time and the songs that we were working up gave me as much
inspiration as I have ever had the pleasure of having! I saw the R.I.P on the forum and cryed. I don't know anyone, any song writer more prolific and I hope that Susan goes into the "office" and busts them out for the world to hear. I will miss you my brother!
your momentary pard, Marco
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