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Dwight Lewis

Huntsville, Alabama
Post  Posted 28 Dec 2008 12:14 am    
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What is this extended e9th and what is the best way to set up my copedant on a MSA 3ped 5knee S-12 steel?
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Jerry Hayes

Virginia Beach, Va.
Post  Posted 28 Dec 2008 6:02 am    
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Extended E9th is just an E9th tuning with two extra strings on the bottom which are a G# on the 11th string and an E on the 12th string. Your B pedal which pulls your 3rd and 6th G# strings to A should also pull your 11th string G# to A. Everything else you can pretty much set up to what standard you prefer......

One thing you can add is on your E to F knee lever which raises the 4th and 8th strings, you can either raise your 12th string E to F or lower your 12th string E to C# which is what I prefer as it's a form of the world famous "BooWah" pedal used on C6th.

A lot of players who have extended E9th guitars eventually go on to a U-12 so it might be a good idea to do your E string raises and lowers on your right knee. Jeff Newman had his E lowers on RKR and the raises on RKL which is where I have mine. Also on the E lower lever you don't want to move the 12th string E with strings 4 & 8, you want it to remain at E for a maj7 grip and other things......JH in Va.
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