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Jeff Waller


marshall Illinois, USA
Post  Posted 17 Nov 2008 8:50 pm    
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i am in need of some suggestions.. for instance when playing a song like keep your hands to yourself is there some sort of boogie riff you could play along with that song or any song of that particular type of beat..thanks a bunch
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Jeff Waller


marshall Illinois, USA
Post  Posted 18 Nov 2008 8:16 pm    
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Steve Geis


Fayetteville, GA USA
Post  Posted 19 Nov 2008 9:46 am    
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Jeff: The inherent problem w/pedal steel is that there the lowest note on E9 is the open B/10th string which is the same note as the 5th string, 2nd fret on regular guitar. In other words, you don't have the low E string that a guitar has. SO,...where a guitar player can "boogie" with a low E (root) on the bottom & a B (5th) on top, on E9 you have have to play your E (root) an octave higher than the guitar player on the steel's 8th string, then either add your B (5th) below the root on 10th string or above the root on the 5th string.
FACT: Playing the root & 5th excluding the 3rd is what is referred to as the "power chord." It is useful both because of its "power" and because you never have to worry about whether the chord is major or minor. (Because a major 3rd or minor 3 determines where the chord is major or mino)
THE GOOD NEWS: The "boogie" you refer is usually where the root is play constantly over the chord & the 5th is alternated with the 6th. And since we can raise the B string a whole step to C#, you can drone your E string & alternate B and C# by using your A pedal!
SUGGESTION: Put some heavy distortion on your guitar, and play 8th & 10th strings w/no pedals and let it sustain for whole notes/full measure and let the guitar player do the boogie. For me it seems to give more support to the overall instrumentation & the guitar player won't feel like your competing with him. When you change chords to IV & V, just slide up the neck & play open positions w/no pedals. If you used pedals, you have to make sure you don't use the 3rd if possible.
Does this help, or is it too much !???! Rock on, Steve
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Dick Sexton

Greenville, Ohio
Post  Posted 19 Nov 2008 10:09 am    
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Jeff, I sent you an e-mail. DS
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