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Author Topic:  Help With Setup?
Bob Snelgrove

san jose, ca
Post  Posted 29 Nov 2008 12:27 pm    
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I need some help with my setup:

PC with M-audio Delta 2496 sound card

Behringer MX-602a mixer

Powered speakers.

Current setup:

Sound card line out to powered speakers
Mixer to sound card line in.

New setup:

Sound card line out to mixer in.
Mixer main out to powered speakers.
Control room out to sound card in.

I will be getting nice powered speakers with the volume on the back and want to use the mixer out to control speaker volume.

I had hoped control room out would be a separate output but apparently it is post "main" output and is causing feedback looping issues.

Any ideas? Hope this made sense!


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Bob Martin

Madison Tn
Post  Posted 29 Nov 2008 5:59 pm    
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Bob, let me do a little investigating on your setup and see if I can offer any suggestions.

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Jack Stoner

Kansas City, MO
Post  Posted 30 Nov 2008 3:30 am    
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My system setup, with both PC speakers and a pair of Samson Resolve 65a studio monitors are both being controlled by my PC's sound card and volume control. I have an external speaker switch that I can switch between the regular PC's speakers or the Samson's.

This works well with Sonar (8 Producer) when I'm working on a sound track or mixing.

When I'm working with an audio file in Sonar, I switch back and forth to check the mix (to see how it sounds with the different speakers) but primarily use the studio monitors. When I'm recording everything is heard with headphones and the speakers are not used.
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Bob Snelgrove

san jose, ca
Post  Posted 30 Nov 2008 10:28 am    
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My daughter like to hear the backing tracks from the speakers rather than headphones. This worked with the old setup but with the new setup as you raise the record level, I get a flanging effect that turns into feedback/distortion. I'm using the control room output to the speakers and the cd/tape in from the sound card with both cd/tape switches "on" to control room and main mix.

This allows speaker volume from all sources (mixer and windows) to be controlled by control room out and mixer output can be sent to windows with the main out without affecting speaker volume level.



Jack Stoner wrote:
My system setup, with both PC speakers and a pair of Samson Resolve 65a studio monitors are both being controlled by my PC's sound card and volume control. I have an external speaker switch that I can switch between the regular PC's speakers or the Samson's.

This works well with Sonar (8 Producer) when I'm working on a sound track or mixing.

When I'm working with an audio file in Sonar, I switch back and forth to check the mix (to see how it sounds with the different speakers) but primarily use the studio monitors. When I'm recording everything is heard with headphones and the speakers are not used.
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