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Author Topic:  I would appreciate various Pickup advice.
Zeke Cory

Hinsdale, New York USA
Post  Posted 13 Nov 2008 7:14 am    
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I play a Shobud Super Pro with stock Shobud Pickups. I do not know what the windings are,(ohms or whatever they call it). I love the overall tone this guitar puts out. I do not want to change that. The main issue I am having is that on the C6th neck, the low-mids and high-lows sound a bit "muddy" for lack of a better term (kinda run together i guess). What I hope to accomplish is to get more string separation in my sound. I also have a wound 6th string on my E9th neck that is much weaker in output strength than the adjacent strings. I have looked into ToneAligners with Bob Hoffnar. Elsewhere, I have been told to use Lawrence 705's. I have always had stock Shobud pickups and know very little about the different types or even installing them. What types do I need for each different neck to attain more separation and individual clarity ONLY, while retaining the original Shobud sound? Any and all advice from those experienced in changing out pickups would be most appreciated. Thanks everyone. Zeke
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James Morehead

Prague, Oklahoma, USA - R.I.P.
Post  Posted 13 Nov 2008 7:27 am    
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You've already got the best pickups in there. Make sure your strings are fresh. Make sure your pickups are 3 quarters thickness from your strings. If that is already spot on, and you still feel the pickups are failing you, send them to Jerry Wallace to REWIND them at 17,500K and coil tap at 11,500K.
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Bryant Aycock


Pikeville, North Carolina
Post  Posted 13 Nov 2008 4:09 pm     Wallace Rewind
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Hey Guys,
Several months ago I bought a Sho-Bud Super Pro. The pickups sounded great. However, there was a problem with microphonics in the E9 pickup. After discussing it on the Forum, I decided to call Jerry Wallace. He made some suggestions and I sent it to him. In a very reasonable length of time, I got it back. WOW! His rewind took care of the problem and he wound it to the original Sho-Bud specs. You'll get a lot of advice, but you can't beat Jerry Wallace. This guy knows pickups!
Bryant Aycock
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