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Author Topic:  Ultimate tribute to your favorite steeler
Bent Romnes

London,Ontario, Canada
Post  Posted 19 Oct 2008 6:44 pm    
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Reese Anderson wrote this in a thread in Pedal Steel:
"Now after learning Dennis was a great and dedicated player, that explains at least part of the reason he sold so many. Naming his son's after two of the greatest steel players who ever lived is a testament to his love, not only for the steel guitar, but the great steel guitar legends as well. "

I wanted to tell a related story from Norway.
Steel player, Kjell Helde, told me a while back that his big idol is Paul Franklin. Kjell wanted to get as close to the Paul Franklin sound as possible. So of course he bought gear as close as possible to Paul's... A Franklin steel (whose former owner was none other than Hal Rugg)and sound equipment to match.

When Kjell's son was born 4 years ago, Kjell named him Frank, after his idol.

I met both father and son this summer and took this picture of them.

I wonder...do we have a steel player in the making here? This 4 year old showed a huge interest in music at our informal little jam. He played the drums...But he was totally absorbed in the steel.
This scene was so heartwarming to me that I just had to share with y'all.

Thanks, Reece, for putting the thought in my head Smile
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