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Author Topic:  A6 string guage question for 8 string lap
Rich Hlaves

Wildomar, California, USA
Post  Posted 21 Oct 2008 3:03 pm    
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I'm going to start to play a bit in A6. Another player has asked me to back him up on steel on Humble Pie's "The Theme From Skint". Sounds like an A6 tune to me. What string guages do you guys/gals prefer for eight string lap?

Low to high I guess it would be F# A C# E F# A C# E. I buy all my lap strings from b0b and see two different C6 sets but only one of those is also tagged for A6, the Herb Remmington's. LT Zinn's look to me as if they might work out a little better for the Low F# (.054) but the Rem's better for the low C# (.034)??? I'm a bit confused as usual. These are going on a Fender Deluxe 8 W/22.5" scale.

Thanks in advance!

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Jim Waldrop


Alabama, USA
Post  Posted 21 Oct 2008 3:59 pm     A6 string guages
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I just restrung an 8 string lap steel today so I can play it in A6. I got the strings from Herb with the following guages low to high: .056, .042, ..034, .030, .026, .022, .018, .015, The guitar sounds great and I had no trouble tuning with the guages as listed. I have never played anything in the A6 tuning but played a couple of Herb's songs on it today. Great tuning.
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John Bechtel

Nashville, Tennessee, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 21 Oct 2008 5:22 pm     My Suggested Gauges for A6 or C6 Tuning:
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E .015p
C#/C .018p
A .022p
F#/G .024w
E .030w
C#/C .036w
A .044w
F#/G .048w
Just my suggestion!
<marquee> Go~Daddy~Go, (No), Go, It's your Break Time</marquee> L8R, jb
My T-10 Remington Steelmaster
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Rich Hlaves

Wildomar, California, USA
Post  Posted 22 Oct 2008 7:54 am    
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Thanks guys! From what you recommend, guages don't seem to be real critical in this tuning. Looks like I could just about take an E7 set and tune A6 with it.

Given the scale length, I'm going to try it on the heavier side. I'm finding I like a bit more tention and with looser tention I have to add more bar pressure. Something I prefer not to do.

Many thanks,

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