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Skip Ellis

Bradenton, Fl USA
Post  Posted 15 Oct 2008 8:36 am    
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On the '76 PP 8x7 that I used to have (it was actually built for the late Harold Fogle), the LKV raised the B's to C making an augmented chord (same as 1/2 P1). The Carter that I presently own lowers the B's on that lever which I think is sort of standard these days. Would I be shooting myself in the foot changing to the B raise on LKV and either moving or removing the B lower? Which would be more useful? I know it's easy enough to play the 1/2 P1 but the positive stop of having it on the knee was pretty neat.
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Gabriel Stutz


Chicago, USA
Post  Posted 15 Oct 2008 12:22 pm    
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I'm no expert, but I'd rather have the B-Bb lever than a B-C. I like the II7 you get at the no pedal root position with the B-Bb lever too much to lose that change. I play my augmented chords 3 frets up with A&B and the E-F lever. To replace the full sound of the B-Bb I have to use my B pedal with my E-F and my F#-G one fret back. This isn't as physically easy as the augmented position 3 frets up, and it doesn't sound as smooth to me as simply lowering the B. Unfortunately, there's no answer. You just have to play what you like. I don't trust myself to 1/2 pedal a change unless I've got some time, like during a ballad.

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Cloverdale, CA, USA
Post  Posted 15 Oct 2008 1:02 pm    
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The B to Bb lever gives you both. Use it along with the first pedal to get the B to C change.
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Jon Light (deceased)

Saugerties, NY
Post  Posted 15 Oct 2008 1:19 pm    
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If the objective is to match the p/p, it makes sense. But otherwise you are getting more bang for your buck going with the B lower (which has good uses by itself) and getting the split with the A pedal which has a bunch more uses than just the pedals-down minor chord.
But again, if it is important to have your Carter match the (limitation of the) p/p, I can understand this although in my case I have chosen to make the p/p's special coped requirements unique to itself while taking full advantage of my all-pull guitars' abilities.
Having made it this far in life without yet shooting myself in the foot, I'm not qualified to comment on that part......
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Dave Mudgett

Central Pennsylvania and Gallatin, Tennessee
Post  Posted 15 Oct 2008 10:16 pm    
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On the push-pull, it makes sense to have LKV raise the 5th string B to C. Remember that on a push-pull, raises dominate lowers, so you can't split the A-pedal B=>C# raise and the X-lever B=>Bb lower to get the positive-stop C. That C gives lots of nice stuff - of course, one can get it by half-pedaling the A-pedal, but I also like the positive stop available.

But on an all-pull like a Carter, as long as you have a tunable split, you can get that split to tune perfectly, and also get the in-tune B=>Bb lower by itself. All my guitars have that change on LKV.

This stuff has been discussed extensively on the forum for several years. Look up X-lever, B-Bb, or something like that using the forum search (or google, adding the search term site: steelguitarforum.com)
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