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Austin Tripp


Westminster SC
Post  Posted 5 Oct 2008 6:42 pm    
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Does anyone know what Paul's amp settings are? I believe I am "close" to finding a sound similar to his. My amp is a NV400 and here are the settings: Low_ -3, Mid_ off, Shift_ 800, High_ +3, Presence_ +3. I was hoping to get a sound as close to his as possible. Any help would be appreciated!!! Thanks.

_Austin Tripp
Steel guitarist for Cody Jinks
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Erv Niehaus

Litchfield, MN, USA
Post  Posted 6 Oct 2008 6:57 am    
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The last time I saw Paul Franklin playing, he was using a rack setup.
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Jim Saunders

Houston, Texas, U.S.A.
Post  Posted 6 Oct 2008 9:29 am     Franklin setting
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Austin, I don't want to dampen your enthusiasm, but I could sit down to Paul's guitar with his settings and I'd still sould like me. Likewise, he could sit down with my Mullen and my NV400 and sould like himself.
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Kyle Everson


Nashville, Tennessee
Post  Posted 6 Oct 2008 10:37 am    
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Austin, I'd have to agree that amp settings alone will not make you sound like Paul. The way you play has a lot to do with it, i.e. pick blocking, amount of vibrato, and positioning of the right hand.

That being said, I, like you, like the balance that Paul gets out of his setup. For me, it's easiest to get that tone from your amp by setting the highs lower than some other players do.

Here are my settings, which are used with BL 710s on the p/p and George L 10-1s on the Pro-II:

Fender Twin (silverface with some mods):

Volume 7
Treble 3.5-4
Middle 2.5-3
Bass 7
Reverb 2.5-3

NV 112:

Pre 4.5
Low +9
Mid -9
Shift hair over 800
High +3
Presence +3
Post 5.5

These settings, mixed with the way I play, get me the sound I want, which is similar to PF, but not necessarily identical. It's good to listen to many different players and the sound they get; you will eventually find "your" sound. Hope that helps.
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Austin Tripp


Westminster SC
Post  Posted 6 Oct 2008 5:31 pm    
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Austin, I don't want to dampen your enthusiasm, but I could sit down to Paul's guitar with his settings and I'd still sould like me. Likewise, he could sit down with my Mullen and my NV400 and sould like himself.

I know that, I was just wanting some settings to play around with for a while. All of his feeling and tone comes from his right hand, just like Buddy Emmons or anyone else.
Steel guitarist for Cody Jinks
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Brett Crisp

Post  Posted 7 Oct 2008 2:58 pm    
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I remember i used to be the same way Austin. I wouldve gave anything to have the tone my uncle terry crisp got. But when i played his setup, i never sounded like him. Just me...

We all are going to have a different touch on the steel and that is what makes the difference. Also Austin, check your pickups. Your Emmons is built like my Derbys. What im saying is, you probably have 3 screws around the pickup, 2 in front, and 1 behind. Lower your pickups a little so that you get more of a tone from the body of the guitar. Make sure theres no less than a space for 2 quarters to fit. Not trying to hijack your thread, just thought id throw a few things your way. Hope this helps you...
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David Nugent


Gum Spring, Va.
Post  Posted 7 Oct 2008 3:24 pm    
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These are Paul's settings on the two Nashville 1000's he played through at a 1999 show:

Amp#1- Low+9, Mid-6, Shift 500hz, High+3, Presence-3
Amp#2- Low+6, Mid-9, Shift 500hz, High 0, Presence+3

Hope this helps.
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John Bechtel

Nashville, Tennessee, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 7 Oct 2008 8:41 pm     Paul Franklin Settings for 2 N-400's.
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You've come to the right place for an answer to that question, but; that was as far back as 1983! He also used a Boss Stereo~Chorus and one L’il Izzy. These were his exact amp. settings at that time, Amps. on the floor and about 6’ to 8’ apart:
Pre-Gain 5
Lo ±0dB
Mid –7.5dB
Shift 800Hz
High +3dB
Pres. +3dB
Rev. 5
Master 10
This is what he used at the Music Row ‘Hall of Fame’ Motor Inn. He played a Franklin Stereo Guitar with a Franklin Stereo Volume-Pedal.(contains 2-pots) One cord straight through to V/P, to Amp.#1.[Dry] The other through the L’il Izzy to the V/P, to the Stereo~Chorus, to Amp. #2. [Effects-Amp.] Back in ’83, our very early N-400's had the Mid & Shift in one ‘Stacked-Knob’. However, I set my amps. like Paul's and I owned two different Franklin PSG's at the time, but; I didn't sound anything like him, to the best of my knowledge!
<marquee> Go~Daddy~Go, (No), Go, It's your Break Time</marquee> L8R, jb
My T-10 Remington Steelmaster
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