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Author Topic:  Extra C pedal change for extended E9 players..........
Jerry Hayes

Virginia Beach, Va.
Post  Posted 23 Sep 2008 5:07 am    
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This has probably been covered as nothing gets by you guys but if not here goes.........

I've added a low 12th string E to D lower on my C pedal and it's pretty interesting. I did it initially because the band I was playing in started doing the old Marty Robbins tune "Don't Worry Bout Me" which had the distorted Grady Martin guitar ride which started with the E lowered to D and raised back to E. Since our Guitar player didn't use distortion at all, I tried it on steel. First I just tuned my low E to D and did it with the Bar which didn't work all that well.

Since then I added the 12th string change and have found other ways to use it. First of all when you use the position where you'd use your B pedal and the 9th string (D) as the root, it gives you a low root on string 12. Also since you're using both the A and C pedals it looks like this from the bottom up...

string 12....Root
String 11....5th
String 10....6th
String 9....root
string 8....II
string 7....III
string 6....V
string 5....maj 7

Looks like there's a lot of potential there for C6th type of soloing in the lower registers . I've been experimenting with it a lot in the key of E at the second fret and having a lot of fun with hammer on's and open strings.

Another cool thing is when you're in the key of A and playing on the low strings and you go to your IV chord change (D) just hit that pedal along with your B pedal and go to town............JH in Va.
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