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Author Topic:  How Old Is the Peavey Transfex?
Kenn Geiger


Salem, Oregon, USA
Post  Posted 5 Sep 2008 8:45 am    
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I have an opportunity to purchase a NOS in the box Peavey Transfex for $350. When was the last time they were produced? I can't find too much information on it from the internet - only a few obscure references. I think 2005 was the newest I found. Is this a good deal or would I be wasting my money?

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Jerry Overstreet

Louisville Ky
Post  Posted 5 Sep 2008 10:22 am    
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Do you mean the Transtubefex 1 sp. fx processor? Or is it an amp or other unit? Peavey made a lot of gear with transfex in the name over several years period...say from mid 90's to mid 00's maybe. Particularly combo guitar amps. Transfex Pro, Transfex 212 etc. along with the Tubefex and Transtubefex signal processors.

If it is in face the Transtubefex processor, they are selling for about that price. Beware of a leaky memory battery in a unit of that age though.
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Kenn Geiger


Salem, Oregon, USA
Post  Posted 5 Sep 2008 10:29 am    
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It is the Transtubefex Rack mounted effects processor with the memory card slot.
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Ellis Miller


Cortez, Colorado, USA
Post  Posted 5 Sep 2008 1:22 pm    
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The Transtube Fex processor is the most recent of the xxxFex units. I'm thinking they date to the late 90's. It has much the same effects options and settings as the Profex and Tubefex. The Transtube name references Peavey's tube emulation technology which is supposed to give you authentic tube sound from a solid state unit. In this unit, the transtube is available as an effect either in a chain or stand alone. I have been using one for guitar and am happy with it. I have used a Profex II and recently aquired a Tubefex that I really have not had a chance to test drive yet.

The Transtube Fex manual is not available on the Peavey website. However it works almost exactly like the Tubefex. Here is the URL for the Tubefex manual. http://www.peavey.com/media/pdf/manuals/80302283.pdf

The main difference between the Tubefex and Transtube Fex (other than real tubes) is that the XLR direct outputs on the Transtube Fex have an exterior speaker simulation feature - a switch actually.

NOS sounds good, however all of the Peavey xxx.Fex units have a battery mounted on the circut board that has a tendency to corrode and leak over time, sometimes damaging the circut board. Regardless of whether the unit has been used or not, the battery and circut board should be inspected. The circut board can be damaged beyond repair even if the unit has not been used. There is a batteryless modification availble through Ken Fox that will take care of the problem if the circut board is OK.

Since the unit is technically new, I don't know about the $350.00 price. They usually go for $150 - 200 used on ebay.

I hope this helps.
Ellis Miller
Don't believe everything you think.
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Jack Stoner

Kansas City, MO
Post  Posted 5 Sep 2008 2:12 pm    
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I bought a new TransTube Fex in July 96 and that was near the start of production. It may have been late 95. The TubeFex came out first and the Transtube Fex later.

There are some Steel Guitar TransTube Fex programs on my web site. They are just a listing and you will have to manually program. Several that have have either a TubeFex or TransTube Fex are using them. www.gulfcoaststeelguitar.com

You can use the old Jeff Newman Profex II programs but you are defeating the main item in the TransTube Fex, the Analog preamp (the Profex II does not have that). I've tried to add the "TB" (TransTube Preamp) to Newman programs and it didn't work and the reason I made my own Steel Programs.

The Battery and potential of it leaking is a very important point. You will have to remove the top cover to see what is going on. Last time Peavey worked on my TransTube Fex (at least two and maybe three years ago) they had to rob the main board from Mike Brown's test lab unit to fix mine as there were no new circuit boards available for this model.
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