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Author Topic:  Steel Guitar Escrow Agent?
Johnne Lee Ables

Minnesota, USA
Post  Posted 27 Aug 2008 12:11 pm    
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Hey All,

I am seriously shopping for a PSG and I have received several unsolicited offers of to sell me a PSG. Some are legit, but others just seem to have something about them that makes me cautious.

Has anyone on the SGF used (for want of a better term) an "Escrow Agent". That is, someone that you trust who lives in the geographic area where the steel is located. The Escrow Agent (EA) could actually eyeball the PSG that is available and give the potential buyer an opinion. The EA could also be the transfer agent for the PSG and the funds.

Amateur Radio Operators (Hams) often do this.

Has this ever been done here? Is this even an appropriate topic to discuss.


Johnne Lee
Justice S10-Pro 5x4 C6
Roland Cube 80GX
Wonderful Wife

"In the course of a long life a wise man will be prepared to abandon his baggage several times."
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Jerry Overstreet

Louisville Ky
Post  Posted 27 Aug 2008 12:56 pm    
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I don't know if anybody's done it here. It's common practice on some of the major online auction sites as far as handling the transaction. I don't see anything wrong with doing it if you're willing to go to the trouble and expense. Finding an agent that knows anything about steel guitars and one that could give you an informed report on same might be difficult though.
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Johnne Lee Ables

Minnesota, USA
Post  Posted 27 Aug 2008 1:04 pm     Thanks for the reply, Jerry....
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Jerry Overstreet wrote:
I don't know if anybody's done it here. Finding an agent that knows anything about steel guitars and one that could give you an informed report on same might be difficult though.


Actually, if I ever find a PSG that I like and can afford (and that isn't snapped up immediately) I would ask a member of the SGF to do it. I'd be willing to do it if the PSG in question was here in AZ. All they can say is "No", huh? Nothin' ventured; Nothin' gained!

Thanks again,

Johnne Lee
Justice S10-Pro 5x4 C6
Roland Cube 80GX
Wonderful Wife

"In the course of a long life a wise man will be prepared to abandon his baggage several times."
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Jerry Overstreet

Louisville Ky
Post  Posted 27 Aug 2008 3:13 pm    
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I see. Yes, always a good idea to have an experienced or knowledgeable veteran check out any axe you're unsure of, particularly those with lots of age on them. Could save you headaches down the road. I bet most forumites would be willing to do that for you. I know I would. Best of Luck on finding the one you want.
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Ben Jones

Seattle, Washington, USA
Post  Posted 27 Aug 2008 3:24 pm    
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I remember one guy who claimed to be a "steel guitar detective" ...whatever that is.

I think your topic is very appropriate to discuss.
i wuldnt want to handle money for anyone, but I could definetly see asking someone to check out a guitar in another location for me.
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Johnne Lee Ables

Minnesota, USA
Post  Posted 27 Aug 2008 3:27 pm     I appreciate the response...
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Jerry Overstreet wrote:
I see. Yes, always a good idea to have an experienced or knowledgeable veteran check out any axe you're unsure of, particularly those with lots of age on them. Could save you headaches down the road. I bet most forumites would be willing to do that for you. I know I would. Best of Luck on finding the one you want.

Thanks, Jerry, I appreciate the offer. I'll call on you if I find a PSG down your way!!!


A detective, huh? Well I HAVE heard some steels that WERE a crime!!!

Thanks Guys,

Johnne Lee
Justice S10-Pro 5x4 C6
Roland Cube 80GX
Wonderful Wife

"In the course of a long life a wise man will be prepared to abandon his baggage several times."
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Brick Spieth


San Jose, California, USA
Post  Posted 27 Aug 2008 3:36 pm    
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I'd be willing to pay a fee to a reputable steel shop to broker a sale. Say you see an ad for an old MSA from someone in Nashville. Call up Steel Guitars Nashville, tell them you are having a private party bring in a guitar, have them look at it, give the thumbs up, have them run your credit card for the price plus a reasonable fee, and pay the private party. I would then have them do a clean and lube and ship it to me. Seems like it would be good for everyone. Ever heard of this being done?
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Johnne Lee Ables

Minnesota, USA
Post  Posted 27 Aug 2008 3:50 pm    
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Brick Spieth wrote:
I'd be willing to pay a fee to a reputable steel shop to broker a sale. Say you see an ad for an old MSA from someone in Nashville. Call up Steel Guitars Nashville, tell them you are having a private party bring in a guitar, have them look at it, give the thumbs up, have them run your credit card for the price plus a reasonable fee, and pay the private party. I would then have them do a clean and lube and ship it to me. Seems like it would be good for everyone. Ever heard of this being done?

Hey B,

This is exactly the process I go through with motorcycles. I can't imagine laying out a months pay for musical instrument with anything less.


Johnne Lee
Justice S10-Pro 5x4 C6
Roland Cube 80GX
Wonderful Wife

"In the course of a long life a wise man will be prepared to abandon his baggage several times."
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Ray Montee

Portland, Oregon (deceased)
Post  Posted 27 Aug 2008 4:39 pm     Sounds like a reasonable idea..................
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I've been extremely LUCKY with my numerous eBay purachases of Ricks and amps.

HOWEVER, the last couple of years have witnessed a number of really questionable auctions and prices and misstated facts.......

FRANKLY, I'd be terrified to purchase an eBay guitar or amp, that is expensive.

I think a far better situation exists right here on the FORUM. GOOD people! Good equipment being played and not discovered in a garage sale following a big flood. Minimal RISK and most likely higher qualitfy.
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Frank Sprague

Custer , Washington, USA
Post  Posted 28 Aug 2008 12:13 pm    
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Hey Johnne - So is this " Escrow Agent " going to be on the hook if the guitar turns out to be a lemon? Sometimes it takes a few days or weeks for some flaw to surface - - At that point you finally find out that maybe it wasn'nt such a good deal . . I've bought a couple of high dollar items through the Forum and was happy with both of them . . . If you have any qualms , cold feet , or whatever . . . Ask the seller to sit on your dough for a reasonable amount of time till you have time to check it out. . . If they don't want to do it . . there's other sellers . . .
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Brian Kurlychek

Maine, USA
Post  Posted 28 Aug 2008 12:46 pm    
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or just buy from a dealer
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David Nugent


Gum Spring, Va.
Post  Posted 28 Aug 2008 3:01 pm     Escrow
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I find that offering a reasonable period of refusal helps to ease potential buyer's minds. I usually allow a five day right of refusal with a full refund offered (commencing from the day the item is received)on any item I sell on the Forum. This method so far for me has resulted in many satisfactory transactions.
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