Mike Neer
From: NJ
Posted 24 Aug 2008 8:42 am
I'm selling my vintage (1960s) Fender 800 pedal steel (this time for real). It's a 10 string steel, has cable pull system (double raises and lowers) and is a really wonderful sounding and playing guitar. Guitar was refin'ed long ago, and not a great job, either, and while the finish is rough, it's still a very cool looking instrument. The 800s are a pretty rare bird--you usually only see the 8 string 400s or the later 10 string Fenders which were made by Sho-Bud. The early Fender with the cable system are great because you can make changes to the set up on the fly and set it up any way you want.
The steel has been set up with 4 pedals and 1 knee lever (this was added many moons ago). It's set up in E9 (Jimmy Day set up), with pedal 4 raising strings 4 and 8 1/2 step (Es to Fs) and knee lever lowering Es to Ebs. The other 3 pedals are in reverse: C (raises strings 3 and 4 from G# to A and E to F#, respectively), B (raises 3 and 6 from G#s to A), A (raises strings 5 and 10, Bs to C#s)
The case is beat to hell, but the guitar is solid as hell.
$700 plus shipping (it's heavy, going to run about $75).
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Last edited by Mike Neer on 26 Aug 2008 2:33 pm; edited 1 time in total |