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Author Topic:  Behringer FCV 100 Volume Pedal
Wally Taylor


Hardin, Kentucky, USA
Post  Posted 12 Aug 2008 5:38 pm    
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Ok you guys, flame away and no, I do not usually endorse much of anything produced by Behringer. However, I have had 2 Behringer FCV 100 volume pedals that I have been using with my steels and for 25 bucks or so, they ain't bad. They were really designed for keyboards, but I have found them to work well with the steel. They are 9v battery powered, but I use a 12V adapter and it works very well. They set a little higher than a regular pedal and may take a little getting used to, but they are reasonably quite and do not color the timbre of the guitar.They have stero inputs, a volume control on the pedal (not sure of the reason for this).
So, if you are in the market for an electonic pedal and only have 25 bucks to spend, I think you will be happy with it.
Anyone else using these pedals or am I all alone here? Oh Well
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