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manny escobar


portsmouth,r.i. usa
Post  Posted 4 Aug 2008 4:44 pm    
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We had a lot of fun yesterday at the RISGA quarterly meeting officiated by President Marcia Rodrigues. Plans for the big show at the Liberal Club on Star St., Fall River on Sept. 20th (2-12pm), were finalized.
As far as the jam went, Roger Trahan and Yours Truly managed to conquer the Elaine Ellis-type tricks of the drum machine. Chris Caruso did an excellant job on bass. Thanks to Chris for coming to help out in the absence of Elaine, who was playing an afternoon and evening gig. It was the first time I heard Bill Holbrook. What a monster player. Tony Palmer and Anne, we missed you.
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Roger Trahan


Massachusetts, USA
Post  Posted 4 Aug 2008 5:13 pm     Hi all
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Manny's right we all had a great time. I can't believe what I'm hearing from some of the newer players, every time we get together they just keep getting better.I'm going to have to keep practicing.We had some fun with the drum machine that Manny and I know little about but we eventually got what we wanted. (Neither of us will ever be good drummers). Our show set for September 20th looks to be another great one and will be here before we know it. Just have to wait a little. God Bless
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Jim Rice


Littleton, Massachusetts, USA
Post  Posted 4 Aug 2008 5:16 pm    
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It was a great meeting. I enjoyed Roger and Harry on twin steels playing Tom Brumley's Pedal Patter. I really appreciate having players of this caliber in the club.

Manny - I second your comment about Bill, he is a great player and always willing to share his knowledge. By the way - you play a pretty mean drum machine (especially the breaks and fills).

Thanks again to Roger for the instructional materials and Marcia for her hard work putting it all together.

See you all real soon at the show!
RISGA President: GFI SD-10, 1969 Emmmons D-10, Nashville 112, Hilton pedal
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Chris Caruso

Merrimack, NH USA
Post  Posted 4 Aug 2008 5:22 pm    
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I had a good time yesterday too. Maybe someday I'll bring my steel to one of these jams. I'm just more comfortable on my bass. The Sept 20th show should be a good time.
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Charles Rodrigues


Tiverton, Rhode Island, USA
Post  Posted 4 Aug 2008 6:38 pm    
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The jam was great!

Thank you Bill holbrook for the private lesson. When I got home I could only rememeber half of it. You must tab it all out. Just kidding.

Kerry Anderson, Roger Trahan, Harry Teachman, and Manny Escobar, what can one say about your talents. You guys blew the roof off the club.

Chris Caruso, I admire your dedication to music. I could tell by the expression on your face while you were playing bass that you were into the music. We appreciate you making that drive from NH to RI to join us.

See you all at the RISGA show on September 20th.

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Tony Palmer

St Augustine,FL
Post  Posted 6 Aug 2008 3:30 pm    
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Ouch! It hurts to hear about what a great time Anne and I missed. But vacation comes only once a year (ok, maybe twice...) and our reservations were made back in January for our trip to Cape Cod.

It is a treat to play along with Kerry, Manny, Harry, Roger, etc. and especially new member Bill Holbrook...sorry we missed it.

You're right, Roger...the "beginners" who stuck with our group are playing awesome these days!

p.s thanks Chris, for coming down..sorry I missed you and next time bring your steel!!!
Sierra S10 (three!), Peavey 112 and 115, Benoit dobro, Beard Model E dobro, Beard Roadophonic, MSA Superslide, Dean Nickless custom dobro
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Marcia Rodrigues


Rhode Island, USA
Post  Posted 6 Aug 2008 5:01 pm    
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Roger, Tony,

You guys are so right. For the last five years I have watched people join this club as beginners and have grown into some pretty awesome steel players. Everyone in this club has been gracious and patient in every way possible. You guys encourage all to play and learn and stick with it. You teach the right way to do things and correct in style and technique when you see someone struggling. The jams are for all and everyone that participates has a great time.

Their talents will shine at the show! See you there!
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Peter Hart


Massachusetts, USA
Post  Posted 10 Aug 2008 6:36 pm    
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I got back from my Ohio trip a couple of days ago. It sounds like you all had a great time at the meeting. I wish I was there but I simply couldn't be in two places at once! I alway enjoy playing in the "Round Robin" type of thing we do at our meetings. A few years ago when I joined the club I was very shy and couldn't hardly play a thing but, with the friendly encouragement of the RISGA membership, I slowly began to get a bit more daring and played a bit more each time it came to my turn. Of course, this is nothing new to RISGA. For as long as I have been a member, I would say about three years now, this is the way it has always been. Now, mind you, I had to do a lot of practicing at home, you know, the while nobody is looking at you type of practicing without which I probably would have showed up and played the same old lousey, bad timing, lack of confidence way I did on my first day there. As it is, I am getting more confident in my playing and my timing is improving.
I just want to publicly thank all of the present RISGA members for helping make this happen simply by being yourselves and making the meetings a fun, relaxing, and instructional time. You guys (and gals) are the best! I am looking forward to our show!! Smile
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