Bryan Knox
From: Gardendale, Alabama...Ya'll come
Posted 27 Apr 2005 4:58 am
Hi guys and gals. As you troll the music stores of this great country of ours, would you keep your eyes open for a LEFTY Taylor guitar. I am looking for at least a 400 series or better, and I need to stay as close to $1000 as possible.
I've been searching the internet and have a few leads, but you fine folks go to music shops I would never have access to.
God bless,
Help prevent juvenile delinquency...teach children to STEEL
Jim Saunders
From: Houston, Texas, U.S.A.
Posted 27 Apr 2005 5:46 am
Bryan, try Southpaw Guitars here in Houston. They are a Taylor dealer and they specialize in Taylor and Heritage. The owner, Jim, is a real nice guy. Very honest.
Mullen, Royal Precision, D10, Gibson Console Grande D8, Peavey Nashville 112, Peavey Nashville 400.