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Stephen Silver

Asheville, NC
Post  Posted 19 Jun 2008 10:54 am    
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Well, a friend sent this to me and man, does it strike home for me. Just substitue "musician" for "writer"

Beware, there are a few f bombs and a bombs thrown about.


Harlan is a hero of mine.

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Donny Hinson


Glen Burnie, Md. U.S.A.
Post  Posted 19 Jun 2008 1:22 pm    
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I'm glad he told WB to take a hike. Harlan is the most outspoken SF writer out there, and a pretty good one too!

Fact is, most rich people get rich by paying people less than they're worth, or by overcharging for their products/services.

Really honest folks can't become billionaires. Wink
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James Cann

Phoenix, AZ
Post  Posted 19 Jun 2008 4:20 pm    
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Ah, me, what an old song!

Here is the simplicity of the thing: Are people paying to hear the band? Is any other service provider being paid?

A yes to either means you-should-know-what.
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Stuart Legg

Post  Posted 22 Jun 2008 9:42 am    
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I hope I’m making the right assumption and my reply is related.
The small studios find musicians who will play for nothing just so they can be on the recordings.
That doesn't seem that unusual when you consider the following remarks.
The small entertainment venues around this area have settled on $200 a nite for a band.
A lot of the bands are playing with as many as seven members and if they get $10 in tips they can split everything they get into big piles of $30 each.
Show up with three members and get $150 or fired.
If you’re the best of three bands then you get the privilege of playing freebies. Let me explain how that works. They book three free bands hoping one will show up. Two bands usually do. One feels that they are winners and the other is mad. It most be really embarrassing to get fired from a freebie. As for the band that played this booking, the only thing they won was the stupid prize.
These freebie and $200 a nite bands constantly need musicians to cover for band members who are smart enough to not show up for all these low or no pay jobs and you tell them your price and they tell you your crazy and you’ll never get that kind of money.
Well I made a list of all the crazy musicians in this area that I came across who refuse to work for that kind of money and threw away list of all these cutthroat freebie asssholles who play for shiits and grins. Sorry I didn’t mean to rant.
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chris ivey

california (deceased)
Post  Posted 22 Jun 2008 11:01 am    
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i don't get the 'show up with three pieces and get $150 or fired'! i think i'd choose the $150.

i've had to drop out of the extremely cheap gigs lately...just can't afford it...but i love to play and i'm always afraid i'm missing something by doing this!
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chris ivey

california (deceased)
Post  Posted 22 Jun 2008 11:01 am    
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i don't get the 'show up with three pieces and get $150 or fired'! i think i'd choose the $150.

i've had to drop out of the extremely cheap gigs lately...just can't afford it...but i love to play and i'm always afraid i'm missing something by doing this!
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Stuart Legg

Post  Posted 22 Jun 2008 11:55 am    
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chris You don't have to tell me twice. Fired or $150 It's not going to be your choice.

Last edited by Stuart Legg on 22 Jun 2008 11:58 am; edited 1 time in total
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Kevin Hatton


Buffalo, N.Y.
Post  Posted 22 Jun 2008 11:55 am    
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"Its the amateurs who are making it hard for the professionals". Stuart, if your band sucks and you are playng for $200.00 you thats all you deserve. There are too many suck country bands out there who give country music a band name. You are only worth what you can create in a market. I wouldn't spit on the ground for $200.00. Its the bands fault.
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Stuart Legg

Post  Posted 22 Jun 2008 12:35 pm    
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Kevin Hatton...
Stuart, if your band sucks and you are playng for $200.00 you thats all you deserve. There are too many suck country bands out there who give country music a band name.
Kevin I don't think you were referring to my Band when you said "your Band", but if you are I don't take issue with you referring to a band of mine as sucky, but I should take issue with you if you are thinking I'm stupid enough to have my own Band. Joining a Band is like getting married without the sex of course, come to think of it the no sex thing is the same. With a Band you've got four or five bitches making your life a living hell instead just one when your married. Just be a whore and play the field (don't commit to one Band). Bo's motto "I play for what I think I'm worth not what I'm worth".
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Kevin Hatton


Buffalo, N.Y.
Post  Posted 22 Jun 2008 12:54 pm    
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I wasn't referring to your band. I was just making a general statement. There are too many bad bands and players out there. They are making things bad. Also the ones that accept inferior pay.
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Cloverdale, CA, USA
Post  Posted 23 Jun 2008 7:50 am    
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I've closed this because the link and some of the responses contain crude language that is offensive to some of our members.
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