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Author Topic:  Greetings from the Jersey Shore
Frank Agliata

Jersey Shore, USA
Post  Posted 6 May 2008 5:53 am    
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Hello folks,
I'm a newbie to this instrument, but learning fast, been playin' guitar and bass for over 40 years, still active on the local club circuit.
I'm thrilled to be here and learn from all you veterans !
If anyone has parts for Sierra Artist, please give me a shout . .
Particularly changer rods, the previous owner welded one of the B pedal rods back together apparently after breaking it. It works but I'm unable to get the same pedal feel and adjustment to match the other two pedals. And I'm sure it's just a matter of time the weld will fail.
Other than that it sounds great and a lot of fun to play . . Wink
GFI Expo X1, Melbert 8, Rukavina 6
always learning
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