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Author Topic:  National Electric Hawaiian and pickup magnets
Mark MacKenzie


Franklin, Tennessee, USA
Post  Posted 1 May 2008 6:38 am    
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I bought at a guitar show an old EH cast metal body lap steel complete except for........ the coil winding. The guy said he didn't know why it didn't work, maybe a loose wire. Actually the entire coil winding is missing. That's ok cause I think I got a good deal anyway.

I have purchased some coil wire and going to try to wind one myself. Anybody familiar with this guitar know what DC resistance to wind it to? I was thinking anywhere from 7k to 10kohms.

The pickup is neat. It is a blade like a CHarlie Christian and the height is adjustable from the top of the guitar by two threaded post with knobs. It slides against a large horseshoe magnet and the blade is split -- north pole for three strings and south for the other three.

I am thinking that the horseshoe magnet seems weak. I have others that may fit.

I was wondering if a magnet like this can be re-magnetized by the old "wrap a wire around it and run DC current through it."

I have another old Epiphone with another blade and magnet and wondered if additional magnetic flux could be added by attaching small magnets to the bigger one. This is a late thirties Electar. It would be cool if I could "dial in" tone by changing the magnet strength.

Another question. I have never played a lap with such a long scale as the Electric Hawaiian. Are slants much harder?

Thanks for any advice....

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Andy Sandoval

Bakersfield, California, USA
Post  Posted 1 May 2008 10:18 am    
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Mark, I'd email Rick Aiello about a pickup question. He's truly an expert when it comes to this subject. Click Here
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Bill Creller


Saginaw, Michigan, USA (deceased)
Post  Posted 1 May 2008 3:30 pm    
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Rick is the guy who can zap your magnets up to full power again.
The coil winding DC resistance may be a matter of choice. I just had two new pickups made by Jason Lollar for my Rickenbackers, one frypan and one for one of the bakelites. I had them wound to 1500 ohms like the originals, and I'm happy with them..
I have an old EH150 7 string. I could measure the coil for you if you want. It has the Charlie Christian pickup also, with the massive magnets.
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Mark MacKenzie


Franklin, Tennessee, USA
Post  Posted 1 May 2008 9:05 pm    
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1500 ohms like the originals

Wow, that seems low. I wonder if they used bigger gauge wire then? I think my new wire is 38 gauge.

I have an old EH150 7 string. I could measure the coil for you if you want. It has the Charlie Christian pickup also, with the massive magnets.

Bill, if that is not a hassle, I would appreciate it. I would really like to get this guitar up and going again.

Somewhere I got the impression that Rick Aiello was out of the pickup business. I have read many favorable posts about his work, though.

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