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Author Topic:  Jerry Douglas workshop in Chicago
Rob Anderlik

Chicago, IL
Post  Posted 16 Aug 2006 5:40 pm    
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Hello Everyone:

I am very excited to announce that Jerry Douglas will conduct a workshop at the Chicago Old Town School of Folk Music on Saturday, December 2nd. Jerry and band will be playing that evening at 7pm and 10pm. The OTSFM is one of the best venues for acoustic music that I know of. Beautiful concert hall with great acoustics; Seats around 450 people; not a bad seat in the house!

Jerry's workshop will be from 1:00-2:30pm in the concert hall. Tickets are not on sale yet; this is advance notice (it may take awhile for tickets to go on sale). Please be aware that this is not a "hands on" workshop, per se, but rather a chance to watch the world's greatest dobro player demonstrate various aspects of his technique and ask good follow-up questions. This is truly a great opportunity to watch Jerry explain his technique in a great venue.

Here is link to the Old Town School website www.oldtownschool.org


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