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Author Topic:  New Steel Guitar CD: Shadows on Steel
Kay Das

Los Angeles CA
Post  Posted 15 Apr 2008 10:55 pm    
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I have finally made some progress on the " Shadows on Steel "CD, my tenth contribution, and will have copies in a week or two. This is a multi-artiste project with credits to Jeff Daniels, Rachel Dickson, Chick Holland, John Jeffrees. Peter Korving, Klaas Kramer, Ian Plant, Trevor Spencer, Göran Tångring, Gary Taylor.

Here is the link for the sampler (non-mastered):


and the front cover:


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Kay Das

Los Angeles CA
Post  Posted 6 May 2008 11:21 am     Progress
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The new steel guitar CD has been produced and copies are winging their way. I received this rather touching mail from a listener in New Mexico which makes me feel very humble. This listener wishes to remain anonymous, the modest person that he is.


The music took me to Arabia, the South Pacific, Hawaii and other
places on this Planet Earth, including New Mexico, where I now live,
and where "Peace Pipe" reminds me of my American Indian friends here.

It must have been a wonderful journey for you to be able to play with,
and collaborate with, so many fine musicians all over the world.

Yes, Planet Earth is in peril. But it is the human spirit, often expressed
in music, and friendship, that keep it in balance, and give it a chance
of turning the negatives into pluses.

Thank you again for sharing your wonderful music with me.

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