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Author Topic:  Strings for old TT
Jerry Overstreet

Louisville Ky
Post  Posted 22 Mar 2008 6:53 pm    
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I'd like some suggestions for string gauges on an old Truetone ES150 style 6 string with a raised nut.
It has a 25 1/2" scale with the wooden bridge and trapeze tailpiece with either a factory or professionally installed neck pickup with v,t controls.

I keep it tuned in open D [DADF#AD] generally, with an occasional open G, rare A, even DADGAD sometimes.
I play it lap style on mostly blues and rock tunes.
I use the generic gauge G dobro set on my CatCan for the same tunings, but I'm leery of using this heavy a set on this old guitar. The neck was already too high for conventional playing, thus my decision on the raised nut, open tuning. I've just been using the standard 6 string EADGBE 9 or 10 set probably, that was on there, but they seem a little weak against bar pressure.

Trying to reach a compromise that won't detune as easily and give me a bit heavier sound but won't be too hard on the guitar. Be nice to find a packaged set that'll work so I don't have to put together a custom set each time. Thanx, JO.
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