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Author Topic:  YouTube Videos-View or Download
Bob Farlow


Post  Posted 16 Apr 2008 3:57 pm    
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Here is a way to view or download and save YouTube videos. It works great with IE or Firefox. Go to:

Instructions are there also.
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J D Sauser

Wellington, Florida
Post  Posted 17 Apr 2008 8:50 am     FireFox users
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If you use FireFox you can as well just try to find the cache folder it uses. Usually it can be found at:

C:\Documents and Settings\"your Windows user"\Local Settings\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles

You will find a folder with a funny name like "a7ow7qrl.default" open that folder and you should find a folder called "cache". Right click on it and on the drop down menu hover onto "Send to" and click on "Desktop (create shortcut)".

Now, every time your playing a you-tube video you can open that folder via the shortcut and once the video has been fully downloaded you will see a rather large file that has recently been created (refresh if you don't see it). Drag that file onto your Desktop or a folder prepared for this and rename the file to your specs ENDING with ".flv"

Now, all you need is to download an flv-file player and your on.

Here is a link to a very lite and FREE flv-player: http://www.download.com/Riva-FLV-Player/3000-13632_4-10435953.html

The same can be done using Microsoft's I-Explorer, but someone else will have to direct you to the cache folder.

... J-D.
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