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Author Topic:  Thank you to some special people in the USA
Ken Byng

Southampton, England
Post  Posted 16 Mar 2008 4:16 pm    
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The last two weeks have been a revelation for me. I came over to the States primariliy to attend the TSGA show, but I also wanted to meet up with friends old and new.

Seeing and hearing Reece Anderson for the first time in over 30 years was great. I have made aquaintences all over, but I would like to mention a few.

Jeff Surratt and his wife - what a wonderful couple and so very helpful.

David and Harry Jackson - just so knowledgeable about the history of ShoBud and its players.

Charles Tilley - kindness personified. A real gentleman who has taken me under his wing and looked after me so well.

Doug Jernigan - for playing so well at Bobbe Seymour's along with Terry Crisp. Both lovely, unassuming guys without any air of arrogance or superiority, despite being superlative players.

Bobbe Seymour - the main reason why I drove to Nashville from Dallas and back again. A 1450 mile round trip. I will say this - Bobbe is the the most honest, warm and engaging person I think that I have ever met. I spent the most wonderful day in his presence, and I cannot thank him enough for taking the time out and giving me so much in the way of his warmth. Bobbe - if you are reading this, you are a diamond geezer as we say in the UK. I am typing this from my hotel, and have another 5 days left in Texas before I go home, but I will endeavour to speak to you on the phone when I get back home. All that I can say is that it was an absolute pleasure meeting you in the flesh and talking steels and putting the world to right. It was an incredible experience.

A big thank you to the organisers of the Texas show. It was a real experience. It was great to meet the 'Commonwealth Corner' and not so great to experience the egotistical 'JR'. (The only dissapointing part of the whole trip).

Finally, the tribute section to John Hughey - featuring Doug Jernigan, Larry Sasser, Russ Hicks and Randy Beavers was absolutely awesome. Those guys did a fantastic job and were a credit to the show.
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