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Author Topic:  Robert Earl Keen - Marty Muse.
Charles Dempsey

Shongaloo, LA
Post  Posted 16 Mar 2008 1:58 pm    
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I saw REK and band at Que'in On The Red in Alexandria yesterday. As usual, they were completely awesome, and played a mix of oldies, newbies and covers.

Bill Whitbeck had a new (to me) Epiphone Viola Bass! I thought Marty had polished the knees on his push/pull until I got close enough to see it was a Fessenden!

Their cover of Townes Van Zandt's "Flying Shoes" blew me away with Marty on the E9 neck and sounding like the Voice Of God.

Catch these guys if you get a chance.

Yes officer, I know I smell like beer. I'm not drinking it, I'm wearing it!
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