Dick Sexton
From: Greenville, Ohio
Posted 16 Mar 2008 5:12 am
Beginners Notes #17
Lets look at something you may not of thought about, a simple technique, until you realize it can and is being done. I think I started doing this without even realizing it, then took a good look at it in some of the songs I was listening to.
It comes off almost like snapping your fingers and can make your sound seem fatter to the listener then it actually is, by adding notes where they don’t have to be to communicate the musical expression.
First play Phrase 1, I use my thumb and middle finger. Now play Phrase 2.
……………..Phrase 1……………………………Phrase 2………………..
Now, play Phrase 2 with a very slight delay between the first and second notes of the phrase. Think of it as snapping your fingers. I’ve tried to write it in the tab of Phrase 3, but it is difficult.
………………………………Phrase 3……………………….
Note the subtle difference in sound between playing Phrase 1 and 3. To me it sounds just a little bit fatter. This is only one example of what I have a feeling, the top players have in their technique bags that contribute to them being exceptional. Maybe a couple will post a few other examples. |