Topic: Basil playing and singing Little Brown Girl
From: United Kingdom
Posted 11 May 2006 11:11 pm
A slightly Adventurous Solo at 1:40
(Just ignore the vocals ?)
Steel players do it without fretting
Andy Sandoval
From: Bakersfield, California, USA
Posted 12 May 2006 4:30 am
Cool solo there Baz.
Bobbe Seymour
From: Hendersonville TN USA, R.I.P.
Posted 12 May 2006 7:36 am
This is what the public REALLY likes!
This proves a steel player can play good "island" music anywhere.
Wait a second, England IS an island! Don't know about the palm trees though,
Good job Big "B"! Excellent tone coming out of a Fender!
Rick Batey
Posted 12 May 2006 9:46 am
Great solo! Basil, do you have any copies of your brain downloaded onto CD-ROM?
From: United Kingdom
Posted 12 May 2006 10:08 am
Bobbe, you just did a Clint on me and 'Made my Day' !!
The nickname big 'B' may just stick, last week Pat was talking on the 'phone to John Marsden and she inadvertently referred to me as "BARREL" a Freudian Slip that had them both helpless with laughter. The name 'Barrel' is NOW in common usage throughout the Hawaiianna community here in Europe.
So, the Big "B" may just be appropriate albeit for all the wrong reasons.
I feel that the designation is a little to prone to misinterpretation, especially when used to refer to parent's MARITAL Status !!
Notwithstanding that, and setting the prior remark completely asside, I feel you deserve the accolade Big "B".
As for England being an Island, there are those amongst us who consider it an "Enemy Nation" ...
Basil Henriques...all foreign email is scanned and classified. "Friendly Nation" which is a country I visit, know people in, and/or trade with. I get those emails. All other countries are "Enemy Nation" and go directly to the "Trash" folder where they are also instantly deleted. You can send me emails every five minutes for the rest of your life and I will never get them unless you relocate to a "Friendly Nation". Sorry.
I'd like to thank MLA for that rejection, It spurred me on to obtain my new Fender PS-210
All I need now is some drawings for the addition of an RKL and RKR.
From: United Kingdom
Posted 12 May 2006 10:11 am
Rick CD Rom, nope it fits easily on a single sided 720meg floppy !!
Archie Nicol R.I.P.
From: Ayrshire, Scotland
Posted 12 May 2006 10:39 am
"England is an island" Help me Baz! I'm drifting awayyyyyy....
From: United Kingdom
Posted 12 May 2006 10:46 am
Hadrian's Wall has sheared you off !!
Al Marcus
From: Cedar Springs,MI USA (deceased)
Posted 13 May 2006 11:21 am
Basil-I just downloaded your video. Well, I am with Bobbe on this.
Great tone on that fender, and you put a lot of action in that solo. I know people like that.
I used to play "Little Brown Gal" in 1937 on my 6 string Supro every night I played . I liked Hawaiian Music and it was popular then. You really swing on the chorus. A few good old Slant bar stuff there too. Good
quote:All I need now is some drawings for the addition of an RKL and RKR.
I wonder if the GFI knee lever kits would fit.
Maybe Gene Fields can help here?
George Keoki Lake
From: Edmonton, AB., Canada
Posted 24 May 2006 12:47 pm
Great Video Baz. You constantly amaze me with your dexterity on the steel. Hey, I'm sure there are palm trees way down on the southern tip of England ? Right ?
[This message was edited by George Keoki Lake on 24 May 2006 at 01:48 PM.]
Jeff Strouse
From: Jacksonville, Florida, USA
Posted 25 May 2006 6:11 am
That was very enjoyable, Baz! The beginning of your solo was very jazzy, it reminded me of Jules Ah See's style. Keep on posting!