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Author Topic:  Pro Tools 6.4LE/001 Mac on a G5 or higher
Ben Elder


La Crescenta, California, USA
Post  Posted 5 Mar 2008 9:58 pm    
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Somehow I have it in mind that my 001 System and/or PT 6.4LE won't work if I were to upgrade to a G5 or MacPro.

As it is, ProTools cripples my iTunes (iTunes windows won't open, play or do anything) on my current G4 MDD, so I've just left it PT alone and done a Safe Boot if/when I need to work in iTunes. (And by "work in," I mean simply add, delete and download--nothing complex.)

If I were to get a quasi-modern Mac, would the 001 system be rendered even more useless than it is already?
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Dave Boothroyd

Staffordshire Moorlands
Post  Posted 5 Mar 2008 11:55 pm    
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Digi 001 won't work on a G5 because you cannot fit the internal PCI card.
Later Macs (beyond G5) with the Intel chip won't run early versions of Logic- though Logic 8 is so much better and cheaper, you'd be silly to try.
But I don't like the colour scheme on screen much.
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