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Author Topic:  Editing a DVD??
Jim Eller

Kodak, TN (Michigan transplant)
Post  Posted 6 Jan 2008 2:54 pm    
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Out band played at a place where they did a DVD movie of the performance.

I would like to edit it. That being, put just certain songs on another DVD. Also I would like to make an audio CD of the songs and be able to edit the start and end of them.

When I bring up the files in Explore there seem to be two folders. One being AUDIO_TS which has nothing in it and VIDEO_TS which has six file in it. They have names like Video_TS(two of them), VTS_01_0(two of them),VTS_01_0(two of them), VTS_01_1 and VTS_01_2. When I do the properties thing on them they come up file type of "dvd movie", "dvd movie info" and such.

I have tried to open these files in Audacity but the best I can get is a long hiss or a quick bleep.

Wiz, do you or anyone else know where to start with this project?? Or, maybe it can't be done.

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John Roche

Post  Posted 6 Jan 2008 4:07 pm    
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Jim . as it is in dvd format you will need something like quicktime pro to edit the parts you want to keep, or convert the dvd to avi format so that it can be edited in avid xpress or adobe primier or such like.
in avid you can export the audio without the movie part. I could edit it for you free of charge if you can send it to me with instructions as to what needs doing and i will return it to you. I am a qualified video editor. I use Avid xpress pro and a host of other programs. John
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