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Author Topic:  Last Sunday's free show in Spokane
chris howie


Spangle, WA
Post  Posted 28 Oct 2007 8:30 pm    
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Well, all you local guys missed a great afternoon of music at John Graham's shop on the 21st. There were a lot of friends of John's, and a few musicians, but the representation from the steel community could have been better! Duane Becker and Gene Capps played all day & did true justice to the songs. With them were George Palmer, a terrific jazz/Travis/Atkins picker, Brad Jeans on drums and Paul Valsvig on bass. Paul plays pretty good 4-string banjo, too! We also had selections sung by Wayne Smith and Susan Schneider.

There will be future events at John's - he wants to hold monthly jam sessions, so let's show him he's not wasting his energy setting up these things! I'll post announcements as they come up. I see that the last notice got 47 people checking it out, but did any of you go? I hope so, and my apologies if we didn't get to talk. Hope to see you at the next one!

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