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Author Topic:  Kline owners: I have a question about it's pickup?
tom anderson


leawood, ks., usa
Post  Posted 13 Oct 2007 9:00 am    
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I have a Kline which is technically one of my best quitars, but sounds very shrill or trebbly especially on the 3rd & 5th strings, so I have to adjust my amp with no treble & lots of bass to get a sound I like. I talked to Jerry Wallace who thought the pickup might need rewinding, since I hear a lot of bar noise when I knock against the guitar-it sounds "hot". When I took the pickup off, I noticed the magnets go through the pickup, poke out the bottom & rest in a stainless steel trough routed out under the pickup. The pickup does rest on two pieces of rubber & seemed to be anchored in tightly. I am wondering if the magnets should be resting on the bottom of that trough/deck or suspended slightly above the bottom deck? If anyone has Joe Kline's # in Florida, I would call him, but I can't find it anymore. Thanks for any help.
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John Billings

Ohio, USA
Post  Posted 13 Oct 2007 12:10 pm    
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Tom, try here. Rick and Dave did a wonderful job restoring my road-weary Kline.
My Kline is quite bright-sounding, and I usually use it with a Steel Driver so I had the chance to back off the highs a bit. But I've played many times without the SD, and only had to change my amp settings slightly. Kline's are fabulous guitars!

Hummingbird Music Studio - Rick Troyer
133 Fredrick Dr. P.O. Box 325 Sugarcreek, Ohio 44681
330-852-2841 Fax: 330-852-3210
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