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Author Topic:  My Fouke Industrial Guitars collection
James Mayer

back in Portland Oregon, USA (via Arkansas and London, UK)
Post  Posted 2 Oct 2007 11:33 pm    
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I've been documenting for insurance and thought I would post some photos.

My 8-string, custom built to 26" - scale Stringmaster specs with Lollar pickups.

My D6. One neck is tuned to E with a humbucker and knee/elbow benders. The other is tuned to C6 and has a P90.

Last edited by James Mayer on 3 Oct 2007 12:11 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Gary Boyett


Colorado/ Lives in Arizona
Post  Posted 3 Oct 2007 3:34 am    
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Those are pretty cool! I don't think I have ever seen an "elbow" bender before.

How does the stringmaster sound compared to the real stringmaster?

Do you have any sound clips you can post?
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James Mayer

back in Portland Oregon, USA (via Arkansas and London, UK)
Post  Posted 3 Oct 2007 8:34 am    
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Gary Boyett wrote:
Those are pretty cool! I don't think I have ever seen an "elbow" bender before.

How does the stringmaster sound compared to the real stringmaster?

Do you have any sound clips you can post?

Thanks! I can't tell you because I've never played a Stringmaster. Never even seen one.

I don't have any clips of the 8-string. I can tell you that the sustain and harmonics are even clearer than my other steels that are pictured here. They all excel in these areas but this one is a little better. It's also different from my other Fouke steels as it's made from one piece of tubing instead of two. You can see how the tube is bent at the rear of the instrument. It also has a steel plate under the fretboard to give it a more solid-body sound.
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