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Author Topic:  The Farmer's Daughter in NYC
Jon Light (deceased)

Saugerties, NY
Post  Posted 7 Sep 2007 10:47 am    
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Without farmers there would be no farmer's daughters. For this reason and, it is my understanding, other reasons as well, we will be celebrating the family farm here in NYC. Sunday is the allstar hullabaloo up at Randall's Island. If you plan on being there and are looking for me, you will be a day late and a few miles north.
Saturday I will be playing a related event at Union Square Park, on the south end of the park. I'll be subbing for Skip Krevens with the Jimmy Nations Combo. We are scheduled to hit at 3.
It is my fantasy that Willie & Merle will be walking around and checking out the music. It is also my fantasy that there will be a courtesy tent full of farmer's daughters. And that maybe they will help me load my gear into the car (the daughters, Willie, Merle--help is help.)
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Jon Light (deceased)

Saugerties, NY
Post  Posted 8 Sep 2007 5:30 am    
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Jon Light (deceased)

Saugerties, NY
Post  Posted 8 Sep 2007 2:56 pm    
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Pretty sure I saw Willie in the crowd, hiding behind a hay bale---he may have heard that I wanted him to haul my gear. Thanks a lot buddy. I'll remember that next time you need help moving.

But I could be mistaken. The sun was hot and I tend towards delusions.

Loads of fun. Ultra professional event--same production company that's doing the main event tomorrow. What a novel experience to be able to hear yourself and everybody else perfectly. And to be treated with respect by the promoters.

I heard on the radio today that when examined by a charity oversight organization, the Farm Aid folks actually deliver. Compared with other events where a lot of the money goes to the limos for the stars and the shrimp spreads, these folks apparently look good on paper. Cool.
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