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Author Topic:  Boss Micro BR. Bought one.
Eric West

Portland, Oregon, USA, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 7 Sep 2007 6:00 pm    
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First it is DEFINITELY a "RTFM" deal.

I got about an hour into it and figured otu how to get delay compression, and effects changed.

First Impressions:

Don't buy it for the Reverb. The Parameters aren't nearly as extensive as teh Pod xtLive. More like the Pocket (2.0) Pod's Room, and Hall and adjustments. Not bad, especially for live playing, but not as finessed as they are on other reverbs. the xt and xtLive are miles ahead.

Compression is fairly good, but it'll take some more work to find out how they are under gig volume. Delay is great, amd fully adjustable.

There are a TON of complicated things in adjusting parameters, and saving to User Channels. Looks like the Pod xt, as far as getting your favorites dialed in and saved though. Once it's done, it's done.

Also excellent stereo with a 1/8 to 2 1/4" adapter cord.

Gotta get rid of that pesky "Example" Rock SOng before I can get a rhythm track to play.

That'll be tomoroww.

Looks like a keeper.

More later.


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