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Author Topic:  Lute/Cittern Tuning on Steel Guitar
Alan Brookes

Brummy living in Southern California
Post  Posted 12 Aug 2007 6:25 pm    
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I've been playing the lute and cittern for decades now. There are various different tunings, some of which are re-entrant, but the most popular is the "German" lute tuning of G min.

Being familiar with this tuning, I wondered how it would work on steel, after all, it is an open tuning. So I pulled out a cittern and played it with a tone bar. It sounded okay, so I tuned up an old lap steel, and I liked what I heard.

The tuning on a 6-course instrument runs (low to high):
6 5 4 3 2 1
D G D G A# D

(5 string instruments miss the low D)

If you put a pedal on the 2nd string, raising it to B, you would have G maj. You thus have all the major and minor triads available fairly easily.

Has anyone else tried this tuning ?
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