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Stanley Benoit


New Iberia,Louisiana, USA
Post  Posted 31 Jul 2007 4:08 pm    
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What makes this amp so tempermental on gigs? Just had it at PEAVEY for service came thru with just crucial grounds resoldered. Every so often on those special gigs such as a family reunion outside the amp just shut down with esp error but all the other equipment worked fine,pa head,bass rig and my nash400 back up amp. Any IDEA'S ? I would hate to lay this amp down to being a novelty amp I have the controller and program card. Stanley
Williams D10 400 keyless ,95 Pedalmaster D10 Nashville 400,Fender Vibrosonic
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clive swindell


Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, UK
Post  Posted 1 Aug 2007 5:56 am    
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Hi Stanley

If you undo the 4 screws that hold the amp unit at the top, and then drop the amp out, you will see several red wire connectors. It is these that are the problem.

You should have all these connections hard soldered and that should do the trick. I had just the same problem and it was Jeff Newman who showed me what the problem was.
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Ken Fox

Nashville GA USA
Post  Posted 1 Aug 2007 6:03 am    
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It also has that pesky memory battery. If not done already I would get rid of the battery and put in a new chip.

I had a friend with one and he uses a computer UPS to keep it stable!

Maybe Mike Brown can shed a little light on this problem as well.
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Mike Brown


Meridian, Mississippi USA
Post  Posted 1 Aug 2007 7:33 am     Session 2000
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From your description, "Every so often on those special gigs such as a family reunion outside the amp just shut down with esp error but all the other equipment worked fine,pa head,bass rig and my nash400 back up amp", I would bet that you are running into a low voltage situation.

Unlike analog products, digital products are much more sensitive to low line voltage. Having experienced this when using a Session 2000 on an outdoor gig, the LCD display will blink and the audio will mute. This indicates low line voltage.

So, make sure that you have sufficient line voltage to operate any piece of electronic gear, analog or digital. It's the "nature of the beast".
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David Higginbotham


Lake Charles, Louisiana, USA
Post  Posted 1 Aug 2007 6:51 pm    
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Stanley, first make sure your are turning the amp "on" and not "off" You will know this because "ON" begins with an "O" Mr. Green Laughing

All joking aside, one thing to add to Mike's comments, if the amp is showing "DSP interface error" and still maintaining the users programs, then it is likely low voltage. That would most likely occur when you are running into a surge protector that is supplying power to other sources.

However, I have seen both profex & tubefex units display the DSP error and changing the memory battery solved the problem.

Stanley, just give me a call or shoot me an email and I can pick up the amp and check it out for you. I can replace the memory battery for $6 and reset your programs for you. Done many in the past including some for Danny!

Hope you Eunice and the family are doing well my friend!
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