Thank's Ron & Gary,
We got a few more car show's (lot's of fun, if you like cars) and some private gig's to do. I had to promise I would leave my blasted (big) cat home though.
Out here in Jersey, when I was settin up, several people asked me, "What is that thing, a Keyboard?"....When I told one guy it was a Steelguitar, he thought it was made out of steel...I told him if it was made out of steel, I would have brought a forklift to bring it in..yikes!!
Soooo, for the 1 billionth time I played "Sleep Walk" amongst some other's (no complaints from me). Overheard comments, "Ahhh yes, I remember that song" .....TX
The name of the band is "Stormy Weather Band" (Don't ask) At least this Papa John Steeler got these young guys to back off heavy metal for awhile.
JCFSC member since 2005 "Be of Good Cheer"
"55" Stringmaster D8,"59" Stringmaster D6
"67" Telecaster,
"60"Fender Concert Amp 4-10's
[This message was edited by Ron Brennan on 03 August 2005 at 07:25 AM.]
[This message was edited by Ron Brennan on 03 August 2005 at 07:28 AM.]
[This message was edited by Ron Brennan on 03 August 2005 at 07:31 AM.]