Keith Cordell
From: San Diego
Posted 22 Jul 2005 4:22 pm
Got my National D8 from Mr. Takacs this week. I've been through a few guitars in the last year or so trying to find "the one", and though I am a real believer in the Sierras, this guitar with my stuff is pretty magical. It don't like to play clean, but I like the Georgeboard for that anyway. The highs are pretty defined, but not so much that is sounds like a PSG, I tend to keep the tone knob on "mellow" at this point with the overdriven sounds and treblier for the fuzz. I had no idea the tone on one of these was so different from a New Yorker- the added mass is likely to be the difference, I guess. Anyway, thanks Steve!!! I like it!
GFI s10, Georgeboards 8 string, National D8,Tele (rednecked by way of Loni Specter), Silvertone U-1 goldtop, Peavey Delta Blues, Goodrich H10K VP, Boss Vwah, Line6 DL4 delay, Jacques Bat Fuzz, Dunlop Lap Dawg bar