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Author Topic:  Opinions on Jagwire Reso strings
Thom Gustafson


Mount Vernon, Washington, USA
Post  Posted 2 May 2007 12:24 pm    
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I've not read any comments about Jagwire Reso strings. I love them for pedal steel but don't know about the Reso strings. I see they only come as a nickel wound set. Are nickel strings as effective as brass/bronze?
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Bryan Bradfield

Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada.
Post  Posted 2 May 2007 1:41 pm    
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I used bronze strings on reso for about 15 years, then I tried nickel, and never went back. I've been using nickel for about 15 years now.

For the price of a set of strings, you can make up your own mind.
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Thom Gustafson


Mount Vernon, Washington, USA
Post  Posted 3 May 2007 6:35 am    
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Thanks for the input Bryan. Resonation has been a good source for the bronze/nickel string comparison with nickel apparently having a counter-intuitive (to me, anyway) benefit of longer life. The tone question seems pretty divided. Yes, I can try them and will...but with so many brands and gauges to try I figured someone here must have actually tried a set and would have some feedback. I realize we all have different resos, ears and playing styles so what works for one might not work for another.
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Bryan Bradfield

Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada.
Post  Posted 3 May 2007 2:11 pm    
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There is definitely a different tone. I chose the "nickel tone" because it was DIFFERENT from the "bronze tone" that seemed more common among reso players that I was acquainted with. I also liked the fact that the "nickel tone" stayed more consistent over the string life,and as you pointed out, nickel also lasts longer.

You mentioned that longer string life is a counter-intuitive benefit. I don't understand that. I like longer string life; however, I don't leave them on forever. I change frequently during the busy season, to ensure that I don't have breakage on stage.

As far as choosing from many different brands and gauges, I choose the cheapest so that I don't feel that I have to squeeze extra playing time out of a set.

Now, when you do the trial, you will have to determine whether "different tone" is equivalent to "better tone".
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Thom Gustafson


Mount Vernon, Washington, USA
Post  Posted 3 May 2007 8:18 pm    
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By "counter intuitive" I meant the whole premise behind brass/bronze/phosphor bronze strings is supposed to be longer string life, at least as far as acoustic guitar strings are concerned. Yet most reso players that use nickel strings favor them partially because they feel they last longer.
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Bryan Bradfield

Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada.
Post  Posted 4 May 2007 9:56 am    
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To me, the lasting longer "opinion" means that the nickel strings seem to maintain a consistent tone and volume longer. I have no significant breakage problems.
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