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Author Topic:  Can't access Internet without reboot
Bruce Wutzke


Marion, Iowa
Post  Posted 13 Apr 2007 5:53 pm    
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For the last two days, if I leave my computer idle for a couple of hours, I can't access email or the net.
I reboot and then it works. Two things are different in this time frame. I had a recent Windows Update and I replaced my hardwired router with a new wireless. My PC is still hard wired, I just got it for the laptop.
I already went to 'Properties' and disabled any shutdowns on the monitor, harddrives, etc.
What would be my first step? do a system restore back a few days? Wouldn't it just want to update again later?
Any thoughts? Thanks.
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Joe Harwell

"I've never been bad." ........ Many, LA
Post  Posted 13 Apr 2007 6:51 pm     Take the wireless access point out, try old wiring config
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Take out the new hardware.

Reconnect the old like originally configured.

If it works, then you kind of know where to look.

Could be several different things if it is the wireless access point. Does the AP have a firewall? Does it function as a DHCP server?

The AP is the prime suspect.
Joe in LA

"How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving, and tolerant of the weak & the strong; because, someday in life you will have been all of these".
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Jack Stoner

Kansas City, MO
Post  Posted 14 Apr 2007 2:47 am    
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Check the Power management on the NIC card (Ethernet interface card). Do not allow the PC to "Power Off" the card. That is the cause of problems such as yours, many times.

Another issue is "Standby". Standby is known to cause many and varied problems when the PC comes out of standby. Many PC Vendors do not recommend using standby on a desktop. Just "power off" the monitor and hard drive at whatever time interval you select - nothing else. Standby (and Hibernate) were originally designed for laptops to conserve battery power.
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Bruce Wutzke


Marion, Iowa
Post  Posted 14 Apr 2007 3:25 am    
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The trouble I'm having is on my PC. I haven't tried my laptop yet at all....just getting ready. I have shut off all of the sleep, power saver, monitor shut down, hybernate, etc. This morning was the same...reboot.
I don't know what the AP is. Is that on my PC or will it be on my laptop?
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Joe Harwell

"I've never been bad." ........ Many, LA
Post  Posted 14 Apr 2007 9:34 am     AP = Access Point
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Bruce Wutzke wrote:
I don't know what the AP is. Is that on my PC or will it be on my laptop?

Your new unit could be called an access point in wireless lingo. Sounds like what you have along with some standard RJ45 ports where your patch cable from your PC network card connects and then from the AP you are connecting to your service provider's drop in your house.

An easy, quick check would be to go back to your original hook up before you got your new wireless access point. If everything works good like it use to, then you will know it is some type of configuration problem with the new wireless AP.

Just a suggestion-
Joe in LA

"How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving, and tolerant of the weak & the strong; because, someday in life you will have been all of these".
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Bruce Wutzke


Marion, Iowa
Post  Posted 15 Apr 2007 1:40 am    
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OK, here it is. I put the old router back in and this morning....same thing. Then I remember, there was another change. Zone Alarm updated their software. I went to the firewall setting and run the slider down to the 'trusted zone' and away we went. I had to do the same with each email address to wake everything up. Then I put the slider back to the high or recommended setting.
Has anyone else had any trouble with the updated version, the free one? I can't seem to remedy the problem other than to drop the protection for a minute.
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