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Author Topic:  Melobar rep?
Bill McCloskey


Post  Posted 10 Mar 2005 5:10 am    
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What kind of reputation did the older Melobars have. They seem to have resurected themselves, but what was their rep as far as their lap steels were concerned? Does anyone play one?
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N.Y.C.-Fire Island-Asheville
Post  Posted 10 Mar 2005 5:50 am    
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Bill, Melobar made a variety of lap steels. They had several running models, and also did a lot of custom configurations. Ted Smith had great ideas and had a lot of enthusiasm.

I think I have around 7 of them. They were nicely made and had a modern sound, leaning towards rock & country rock. I have one of the Super Steels that have Stringmaster syle pick ups & blend control. I haven't played that in a long time and don't really remember my thoughts as compared to a Fender. I should do that though, because I can hear Rick Alexander coming.......

I have a 6 string Teleratt that sounds real sweet and can really wail.

I also have the last of the custom Melobars that Ted specially made for me using my design.

I'll post photos to this thread as I go along.

Ted made some cool steels. He had a lot of hard times. We shared the same experience of continuing a family business. We both revered our fathers who passed on around the same time and left a legacy. He is a good man and I hope he is doing well.

more to follow......

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